Ice (🏐)

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Sick/Hurt : Kenma
Caregiver : Kuroo (also sick Kuroo. Who gets cared for by Yaku and Akkashi.)


Kuroo loved to go ice skating during the winter. He would always force Kenma to join him. What happens when Kenma falls in?


" Come on, Kenma! "

Kuroo yelled, running down the snow-covered grass. Even though he's older than Kenma, he acted childish whenever winter came around.

" I'm coming..."

Kenma grumbled, staggering behind. He absolutely hated the cold weather, but he always wanted to see Kuroo happy.

Kuroo smiled happily as they reached the ice lake, Kuroo started to put on his ice skates and tied them up securely.

" The ice looks so beautiful! "

Kuroo said with a smirk, clapping his hands as he looked at Kenma, who was slowly getting his own ice skates on.

" Hurry up, Kenma! "

Kuroo huffed as he went onto the ice already and started to skate around.

Kenma finished tying up his ice skates and stepped on the ice. He smiled at how happy Kuroo was skating around.

" You always get so excited about ice skating. "

Kenma laughed softly as he started to skate around slowly. Kenma wasn't really a fan of the ice. He always feared falling through, so he went as slow as he could.

Kuroo grabbed Kenma's hand and spun him around.

" It's so fun, Kenma! "

Kuroo laughed happily, giving a sweet and gentle smile. Kenma gave a soft smile, feeling uncomfortable a little by the spinning.

" That's enough spinning, Kuroo! "

Kenma exclaimed. Kuroo let go of Kenma, causing Kenma to skate further onto the lake where the ice wasn't as thick.

Kenma was about to move when he heard the ice crack beneath him. He looked down with wide eyes, watching as the ice started cracking even more underneath him.

" K-Kuroo! "

Kenma called out for his best friend. Kuroo was too busy skating around to notice Kenma's distress.

Kenma tried to take another step to get away from the cracking ice, and the ice fell beneath him, bringing him under into the ice cold water.

" Hey Kenma! Lo- "

Kuroo looked around to see that Kenma wasn't there. Kuroo's eyes widened as he saw the hole in the ice.

" KENMA! "

Kuroo yelled. He wanted to skate over to help, but he knew that it was too dangerous.

Kenma sank lower into the lake. It wasn't a shallow lake. It was quite deep. Kenma tried to swim up, but his body felt frozen cold.

Kenma's head started to cloud over as he was losing consciousness very fast. The ice-cold water was freezing his insides.

Kuroo rushed off the ice and grabbed his phone, immediately calling 911.

" 911, what's your emergen- "

" Help! My friend has fallen through the ice!!! "

Kuroo yelled, not even letting the operator finish speaking.

" Calm down please sir, what is your location? "

Kuroo told the operator his location.

" Please hurry! "

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