Lucifer's POV:
The next day, I headed down to the hotel.
As I approached the door, I took a deep breath and smiled slightly, happy to be seeing my daughter again.
I knocked three quick times on the door before my daughter swung the door open.
"Dad!" She said, engulfing me into a hug, I chuckled into it and hugged her back.
Pulling back after a few moments, I greeted her with a soft smile as I entered the hotel.
"So, as I said on the phone, I came down here mainly to talk to you about something." I said, standing in front of her as the air got the slightest bit more serious.
"Okay, hit me with it" Charlie said, folding her hands in front of her body.
"I'm not sure if you've already heard or not, but there was a hell-born family that was killed during the extermination. I came to talk to you about this because I wanted to know if you knew anything about the one that survived the attack. Even though I've seen millions of things like this, I want to see if he's at least okay, seeing as that's not exactly easy to deal with, even in hell" I explained, looking at Charlie as she slowly nodded her head, taking in my words.
"Yeah, I heard about that! I have good news, though!" Charlie said, smiling happily
I tilted my head, curious.
"I believe we have the one that survived right here in the hotel with us! I found him on a bench on the street and brought him in." Charlie explained.
"Oh, Wow! Charlie, that's wonderful! Can I meet him by any chance?" I said, my smile growing slightly
"Sure! I can go grab him, just know, he might not be in the best state right now." Charlie said as she began to make her way up the stairs.
I nodded, making a mental note.
Y/N's POV:
I woke up in my bed, having come here after the bar yesterday. I felt horrible.
"Ughhh" I rolled over to face my nightstand and picked up my phone, checking the time.
It was late in the afternoon already.
"Goddamn I slept for a while" I muttered to myself, unplugging my phone and rolling over onto my back, mindlessly scrolling on social medias.
I heard a knock on my door.
I rolled my eyes, yelling out "Who is it", sounding a bit more irritated than I intended.
"It's Charlie! My dad's here, he'd like to talk with you for a sec, come down when you can!" The chipper voice, muffled by the door, sounded into my room.
"What- Uh- Okay..?" I stuttered.
"Why would THE king of hell want to talk with me?" I thought to myself, getting up out of bed and stretching.
I fixed up my hair a bit, straightening my simple, comfy clothing as much as I could before making my way out of my room and into the hallway.
I was still so confused, why would someone this powerful want to meet with someone like me? I was honestly quite scared.
As I made my way down the stairs and into the parlor, I saw him.
I had seen him before, in pictures or on the news, but I'd never seen him in person. I couldn't help but think "Wow, he's much shorter than I had imagined"
I chuckled very quietly at my own thoughts, before reaching the bottom of the steps, Charlie looked at me, announcing my presence, alerting Lucifer that I was there.
"And this is him! Y/N, meet my dad, Lucifer!" She said, gesturing towards her father.
I nervously waved to him with an awkward smile "...hi"
He waved back with a sort of sympathetic smile "Hello, Y/N, It's nice to meet you" he held out his hand.
I reached for his hand and shook it, calming down a bit, seeing that he seemed to be pretty nice.
My guards still stayed up, however. I knew better than to trust too quickly, I still didn't fully trust Charlie.
"I just came here to talk to Charlie about you and your family, I'm so terribly sorry that this happened to you, I know it's hard to deal with, even in hell" Lucifer said, maintaining his sympathetic smile.
My eyes widened slightly "The king of hell himself... is worried about me?" I thought as I slowly nodded
"Mhm.. I've been staying here and it's been much better than having to stay on the streets, so, I'm grateful for Charlie." I said, gesturing to Charlie, still in slight shock.
"That's good, really good, I'm glad my daughter was able to help you." Lucifer said, nodding.
Honestly, even though I was a little freaked out, I couldn't lie. It felt nice to have someone genuinely care about me, to have someone be worried about me. Sure, my family had done that, for all of my life, up until theirs ended.. but it felt nice to experience that from someone else, especially someone as powerful as Lucifer himself...
Narrator's POV:
As the hours passed, Lucifer and Y/N became better acquainted, some would even say they became friends, and on the road to be good friends, at that.
Y/N opened up to him just a bit, telling him what exactly happened with his family. Lucifer was genuine with Y/N, even kind towards him.
Y/N felt so weirdly safe with Lucifer, he felt like he could relax for a second instead of always having to be ready to fight, or ready to defend.
It reminded Y/N of how he felt with his family, before the extermination.. Although it felt strange to him, the feeling of security was something he hadn't felt since his family was killed.
He loved it, he felt so carefree, even if just for a few minutes at a time. Sure, he still kept his guard up somewhat, this is the king of hell we're talking about, but he just had a certain feeling that he wouldn't get hurt by Lucifer. He trusted the feeling, he relied on it..
About 6 hours after he had arrived, Lucifer had to leave. And as he hugged his daughter goodbye, and wished everyone the best (This is sounding like a fucking fairytale, hello??), he had a little feeling, a feeling that told him that he had to care for Y/N.
He didn't know what it was, but he felt it so strongly, almost like he knew that no one else would, it almost felt like something he'd feel for his daughter, if she was ever in danger.. it felt so strange.
Despite this, he leaned into the feeling, and decided he would take Y/N under his wing, if no one else would.
As he walked down the sidewalk, away from the hotel, he took a deep breath.
"You won't have to worry, Y/N."

~ Hell's Greatest Son ~ Lucifer as (MASC) Reader's father figure ~
FanfictionWARNING! THIS STORY IS DISCONTINUED AND WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY UPDATES Y/N, a hell-born demon was looking for a place to go after his family died in one of the yearly exterminations. That's when he ran into a girl named Charlie Charlie took him to her...