・.・✫Twenty-Six ✓

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୨⎯ Chapter 26⎯୧
"A True King"

୨⎯ Chapter 26⎯୧"A True King"

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WITH UNWAVERING resolve, I met Aragorn's eyes. "For Frodo," I murmured, my voice a quiet yet resolute vow.

Aragorn raised his sword, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. "For Frodo!" he echoed, his voice ringing out across the battlefield.

As we charged into battle, I found myself surrounded by snarling orcs. Calling upon the earth itself, I commanded it to rise and protect me.

"Come on, you foul creatures," I taunted, hurling boulders at the encroaching orcs. "Is that the best you can do?"

Amidst the fray, I spotted Legolas and Aragorn locked in combat with a towering troll. I rushed to their aid, summoning a wave of earth to trip the troll's massive feet.

"Fancy meeting you here!" I called out to Legolas.

He flashed me a grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief even amidst the chaos. "Always arriving fashionably late to the party," he quipped.

"Better late than never," I retorted, conjuring a thicket of thorny vines to ensnare the troll's arms. "How about we finish this dance?"

Aragorn, slashing at the troll's legs, shouted, "Less flirting, more fighting, you two!"

Suddenly, I was thrown aside, pain coursing through my body. As I struggled to regain my strength, a deafening boom echoed across the battlefield. The towering spire of Barad-dûr crumbled before our eyes.

"Liairse!" I heard Legolas cry out, his voice filled with concern.

The last thing I saw before losing consciousness was Aine rushing towards me, shouting, "Hold on, Liairse! Don't you dare give up now!"


Slowly, I opened my eyes to find myself in a sterile white room. "Aine," I whispered, my voice barely audible.

She stirred awake, relief flooding her features. "Liairse! You're awake! Oh, thank the stars," she exclaimed, pulling me into a tight embrace.

"How long was I out?" I asked, wincing slightly.

"Three days," Aine replied, her voice thick with emotion. "You had us all worried sick."

As Aine released me, I noticed Legolas sitting nearby. "Legolas," I called out softly.

He approached, his eyes searching mine. "I'm sorry for worrying you," I said. "I'm okay."

Legolas took my hand in his. "Never do that to me again," he said, his voice stern but filled with relief. "I thought I'd lost you."

"You can't get rid of me that easily," I joked weakly.

Aine's voice broke through. "Liairse, your mother is on her way. Aragorn is having his coronation, and the Caralis council has been invited."

I groaned. "Oh, great. Get ready to meet your mother-in-law, Legolas. She's fantastic."

Legolas squeezed my hand reassuringly. "We'll face her together," he promised.


As we entered Frodo's room, I crossed the room and enveloped him in a tight embrace.

"Frodo!" I exclaimed. "You're back, you're really back."

Frodo returned my embrace. "I am," he murmured. "Thanks to Sam."

Sam joined us, his face beaming. "We did it, Miss Liairse," he said proudly. "We really did it."

"You both did," I agreed, tears in my eyes. "You saved us all."


On the day of Aragorn's coronation, my mother approached. "Mother," I greeted her, trying to keep my voice steady.

She regarded me coolly. "Liairse. I see you've managed to survive your little adventure."

"It wasn't exactly a picnic, Mother," I replied, struggling to keep the sarcasm from my voice.

She turned to Legolas, brow arched. "Ah, the Elven prince. I trust you've been taking good care of my daughter?"

"As much as she allows, Your Grace," Legolas replied diplomatically.

"I told you the marriage would be fine," my mother remarked to me, her tone smug.

I gritted my teeth. "Yes, Mother. You're always right."

As we made our escape, I whispered to Legolas, "Well, that went about as well as expected."

He chuckled softly. "She's... formidable."

"That's one word for it," I muttered.


As Gandalf placed the crown upon Aragorn's head, he intoned, "Now come the days of the king. May they be blessed."

Aragorn turned to the crowd. "This day does not belong to one man but to all. Let us together rebuild this world... that we may share in the days of peace."

As Aragorn greeted us, I bowed deeply. "My king," I said, my voice filled with respect and affection.

"My friend," Aragorn replied warmly, embracing me. "We've come a long way, haven't we?"

"Further than I ever imagined," I agreed.

When Aragorn reunited with Arwen, I couldn't help but smile. Legolas, standing beside me, whispered, "A love for the ages."

"Like ours?" I teased softly.

He kissed my temple. "Exactly like ours."

Finally, Aragorn turned to the hobbits. "My friends," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "You bow to no one."



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