・.・✫Twenty-Seven ✓

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୨⎯ Chapter 27⎯୧
"True Happiness"
The Wedding

୨⎯ Chapter 27⎯୧"True Happiness"The Wedding

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AS AINE carefully braided my hair with flowers and vines, I caught her eye in the mirror. "Aine," I began, my voice trembling slightly, "what if I'm not ready for this?"

Aine's hands stilled for a moment. "Liairse, look at me," she said firmly. When I met her gaze, she continued, "You've faced down orcs, battled alongside kings, and helped save all of Middle Earth. If you can do all that, you can certainly marry the elf you love."

I couldn't help but laugh. "When you put it that way, it does seem a bit silly to be nervous."

"Besides," Aine added with a mischievous grin, "if you run, I'm fairly certain Legolas would chase you to the ends of the earth."

Just then, a knock at the door interrupted us. My mother entered, her eyes widening as she took in my appearance. "Oh, Liairse," she breathed, "you look absolutely radiant."

I stood, smoothing down my dress. "Thank you, Mother. I hope it meets your approval."

She approached me, her eyes surprisingly soft. "My dear, you could wear a sack and still be the most beautiful bride in all the realms." She paused, then added with a smirk, "Though I'm glad you chose not to test that theory."

We shared a laugh, the tension between us easing for perhaps the first time in years.

As I prepared to leave the room, my mother stopped me. "Liairse," she said, her voice uncharacteristically hesitant, "I know I haven't always been... the easiest person to deal with. But I want you to know how proud I am of you. You've grown into a remarkable woman."

Tears pricked at my eyes. "Thank you, Mother," I whispered, embracing her tightly.

When Khellan arrived to walk me down the aisle, he stopped dead in his tracks. "Well, well," he said, a slow grin spreading across his face, "who are you and what have you done with my sister?"

I rolled my eyes. "Very funny, Khellan."

"No, really," he continued, his eyes twinkling with mischief, "I almost didn't recognize you without all the dirt and leaves in your hair."

"Keep it up," I warned playfully, "and I'll tell Aine about that time you tried to use your powers to impress her and ended up covered in mud."

Khellan's face reddened. "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me, brother dear."

As we began our walk down the aisle, Khellan leaned in and whispered, "In all seriousness, Liairse, you look beautiful. Legolas is a lucky elf."

"Thank you, Khellan," I murmured, squeezing his arm affectionately.

When we reached Legolas, Khellan placed my hand in his. "Take care of her," he said to Legolas, his tone both playful and serious. "She's a handful, but she's worth it."

Legolas nodded solemnly. "With my life," he promised.

As the ceremony began, Legolas and I stood face to face. "You look absolutely breathtaking," he murmured, his eyes shining with love.

"You clean up pretty well yourself," I teased, my heart swelling with affection.

When it came time for our vows, Legolas spoke first. "Liairse," he began, his voice strong and clear, "from the moment I met you, you've challenged me, surprised me, and made me laugh like no one else. You've stood by my side through the darkest of times, and now, I vow to stand by yours through whatever life may bring. I love you, not just for who you are, but for who I am when I'm with you."

Tears streamed down my face as I began my own vows. "Legolas, my love," I said, my voice thick with emotion, "you've seen me at my best and my worst, covered in mud and dressed like this. You've accepted every part of me, even the parts I struggle to accept myself. I vow to love you, support you, and adventure with you for all the days of our lives. You are my partner, my best friend, and my home."

As we sealed our vows with a kiss, cheers erupted from our gathered friends and family. I heard Gimli's gruff voice call out, "It's about time, you two!"

Later, during the celebration, Aragorn approached us, Arwen by his side. "Congratulations, my friends," he said warmly. "May your love continue to grow with each passing day."

"Thank you, Aragorn," I replied, smiling at him and Arwen. "We learned from the best, after all."

As the night wore on, Legolas and I found a moment alone. He pulled me close, resting his forehead against mine. "So, my wife," he said, the word sending a thrill through me, "are you ready for our next great adventure?"

I grinned up at him. "With you by my side? Always."

And as we danced under the starlit sky, surrounded by the love and laughter of our friends and family, I knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, just as we always had.



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