Chapter Four: Strategic Moves

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Lorenzo's PoV:

Josi glances at you, looking up from her book, realising how uncomfortable you feel.

Josi: Let me guess, he didn't take it well?

Lorenzo: I mean...

You try to play it off, but she gives you that look, and you stop trying to bullshit your way out of this discussion.

Lorenzo: No, he didn't. He got... Like... Really weird, but in a snappy and defensive way.

She tilts her head, while her eyebrows scrunch together.

Josi: So like a 'Fuck you then' way, or like a...

She waits for you to fill in the blank.

Lorenzo sighs: He said something along the lines of 'Fine. Enjoy your birthday then. I need to go now'. And before I could continue, he hung up. So a sassy 'fine then' way. He's fucking alienating himself by making it worse with his responses.

Josi shakes her head - She's been supporting y/n since the beginning of this. You tried to play Swiss, but the longer this continues for, you realise he's causing issues where there practically aren't none. Okay, her getting with his best friend she hated for an eternity was messed up, so was uninviting him just now, but the way he acts, really isn't helping in any way, shape or form.

She gets up, and gives you a short hug. You pull her in for a kiss, to thank her for the support.

Josi: He needs to cool off and face reality, Enzo... He'll be fine. You did the right thing-

Lorenzo: The right thing to see y/n, yeah, the right thing for the family or for my brother? No.

Josi sighs: It will be okay. Everything will sort itself out with time, I promise you that...

You hold her tightly, not willing to let go of her just yet.

Lorenzo: He's a pain in my ass.

Josi chuckles: I know...

Lorenzo: I shouldn't feel guilty right?

Josi shakes her head.

Josi: No, not at all. You'll get to see y/n, this is a good thing. And you know what I think?

Her eyes are big, blue and lively.

Lorenzo: Hmm? What is it baby?

Josi excited: I think you should call y/n, and extend the invitation to Pierre. The more we include him, the safer she'll feel around the family again...

You nod - She's got a point.

Lorenzo: Okay, that's actually really smart...

Josi laughs: I am the one with the brain between the two of us after all...

Lorenzo chuckles: Totally... I'll call her now...

Josi nods: Good, do that, and say hi from me...

You release her from your arms, and she gives you another kiss, before returning to the chair she was on before. She picks up her book, and continues reading.

Y/n's number is saved under favourites. You give her a ring. It takes a couple of seconds before she picks up.

y/n hectically: Hi!

Lorenzo: Hey, what's up!? How are you?

y/n chuckles: I'm good, I'm getting ready to grab some dinner right now, what about you? How are you guys?

Lorenzo smiles: Dinner sounds good, I'm getting hungry too actually-

You glance at Josi, and she nods, signifying she is too. You get up and walk to the kitchen to get started on dinner for the two of you.

Lorenzo: We're good, and Josi says hi by the way...

y/n happily: Oh, say hi back...

You call her returned 'hi' through the apartment and Josi says something you can't quite identify.

Lorenzo: I wanted to ask-

y/n: Yeah?

Lorenzo: If Pierre wanted to come to my birthday dinner next week with you. I'd really like him to be there.

y/n surprised: Really? Are you sure Enzo?

Lorenzo nods: Yeah, definitely. He's very welcome, and I want to get to know him a little more in the capacity of him being your guy-

y/n: I'd love that Enzo... Give me a second, I'll ask him right now-

Lorenzo: Cool, cool...

Silence takes over the call for a half a minute, and you start cutting some garlic to put into the pan. Her voice reappears.

y/n: He'll be there! Thank you so much, I'm so happy about this actually-

Lorenzo chuckles: Yeah, no problem, as I said he's very welcome to come to Josi's and my events from now on...

The two of you talk for a little while longer before you hang up, as the onions and garlic have reached the point at which they're sautéing in the pan. The smell fills the kitchen and Josi heads towards you, only to prop herself up on the counter next to the sink.

Josi smiles: So?

Lorenzo: You are the smartest, bestest woman around, and she was super excited because of it... He'll come.

Josi's smile lights up the kitchen and she tries to downplay the brilliance of this strategic move. You're doing your best to guide y/n back to the family, and this will do a lot for all of you.

Adoration: Book Two of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now