Chapter Six: When Things Turn Nuclear...

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George's PoV:

You don't quite react, instead you let him continue. The two of you step out of the store.

Charles: Anyways, so it turns nuclear bro, I explode like a bomb or some shit - I kick him out of her room, we start yelling, and yeah... She stops talking to me for a while... Some stuff happens, but yeah, it's not worth mentioning. A bit after that we are all in Monaco for the GP, and it's out that they've been together for a while at that point, and that they're like... properly involved with one another-

You don't know what he means with 'properly involved', but you don't want to disturb his story-telling.

Charles: We all stay at our Mom's place then, for old-times sake, that sorta thing, but yeah... We head to dinner and she runs off because of my ex-girlfriend-

You stop him.

George: Why'd she run off?

He sighs, explaining that Elle apparently said some crappy things to her, but that he was on his girlfriend's side, because he thought y/n was stirring up drama or something like it. You're starting to see the predicament in this situation; He's the lone-ranger at this point. He's low key fucked it up in every possible way so far. You urge him to continue.

Charles: But yeah, she runs off to her best friend, so I call Mary in the late evening, but she's not there anymore - Everyone's really worried about her not coming home...

The worry you understand, but she's a grown up, so why is everyone so on her case about everything?

Charles: Turns out she's with Pierre, because he responds to my message asking where she is. But yeah, then we have a day on a yacht planned, and she shows up with him, and my Mom's over the fight, so she's telling me to fix it immediately. So when we get off the boat, I'm like, 'Hey y/n let's walk home, instead of taking the cars like everyone else', and she's like 'Okay, fine'. So we walk, but she's not receptive to any apologies and stuff, I'm trying to explain everything to her, and all that-

Seems that you're still on y/n's side, just like with the jet-situation. Charles is clearly in the wrong here.

The two of you sit down in one of the cafés that are scattered around town. The waitress comes, and you order.

George: Hmm, and then?

Charles: She practically runs off again after exploding.

His hands gesture dramatically.

You lift your eyebrows.

George carefully: Exploding?

Charles sighs: She yelled at me, saying I didn't even apologise properly or something like that, and that she's 'done' with me.

When he says 'done', his voice cracks ever so slightly. He tells you how his Mother is really disappointed in him now, how he's not heard from her in forever, except for Pierre's occasional Instagram stories with her in it, and that he's been uninvited from Lorenzo's birthday party.

You don't even know what advice he wants now... He fucked up... Big time...

Does he realise that most people don't get a redemption arc in their life? Maybe this was his last fuck up, and that was that - He did a series of shitty things and now needs to live with the fact that he did them.

George overwhelmed: Man... I don't even know what to tell you right now...

He nods understandingly.

George: That's a lot.

Charles sighs: Yeah, I know...

George awkwardly: I mean, what do you want out of this?

Charles confused: What do you mean?

The drinks arrive, and you thank the waitress; He does the same.

George: Just like, uhm, what do you want this to become? Like what's the happy ending you want?

You feel so uncomfortable advising him on this; You want him to get his life back on track though, so you'll do your best to look past him being in the wrong.

Charles: Ohh! I want my family back, and my best friend.

Is he even aware that he burned those bridges down with a fucking bazooka? It's not going to be easy.

George: Wow... That will take time, you know that, right?

Charles shrugs: I guess, so what do you think?

George sighs: Hmm...

You run your hands over your face.

George: Pick one, and start mending the fences.

Charles: As in my Family, or Pierre?

You nod.

George: It's your best bet I think. You won't get back your family unless you're doing okay with Pierre, and I'm assuming that you getting on with Pierre again is the key to somewhat making up with y/n again. It might not work though, I'm just saying that in advance. Maybe Pierre and y/n are truly done, and don't want you in their life anymore, you know...

Charles: I work with the fucking guy... He's not done with me. He chose to come to my team.

You exhale softly, that's true.

George nods: Then start with Pierre... And maybe... Nah, never mind.

You pause, he asks what you were going to say.

George hesitantly: I'm just thinking maybe you need to change your point of view... Shift your perspective a little to see past your own stance. Try to see where she's coming from. If she was my little sister, and said I didn't apologise enough, and that she was done with me, I'd back it up. I'd do my best to understand the flip side of everything that has happened... Like...

He's attentive right now.

George continues: With the kicking Pierre out of her room - How do you think she felt, when her big brother threw out her boyfriend out of anger and worry?

Charles shrugs: Not great probably...

You nod.

George: Yeah, I'm assuming not. She was probably scared, felt some degree of regret for keeping it a secret and so on. So maybe try to figure out what has happened, and how she might've felt or thought about it... Back-track the situation to the best of your abilities, and do what she asks; If she asked for a proper apology, get around to that eventually, and if she asked for space, respect that.

Charles nods: That sounds like a good start to be honest.

You pick up your glass.

George: I'd say so too. Start slowly, and shift your mindset on this. It's probably going to take a lot more work from your side than anyone else's, just because of how everyone 'perceived' the situation to be.

You used 'perceived' on purpose, because frankly, the situation is how it is. In simple terms, Charles is the bad guy here. He doesn't seem to understand that fully though, so that word was better than 'sees' or something else.

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