Chapter Ten: Manhatten Meets Gin & Tonic

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Pierre's PoV:

Kim and her are standing at the bar, waiting for their drinks. You're finishing up your conversation with one of your mechanics, Tom. The after party is what you'd call a characteristic F1 party. It's big, loud and blingy, but it has class and elegance - in true Ferrari fashion.

You give your gin and tonic a little swirl, as Tom pats your shoulder, saying he'll head home now.

Pierre: Aight, have a good night man!

Tom: You too-

He steps away. You used to come to Ferrari events with Charles back in the day, and now you're here with him, but not really with him. Now it's your event too, it's your team's as well, and not just his anymore. Weird.

The two of you used to joke how great it would be to be teammates; great isn't quite the word you'd use anymore. It's fucking weird to stand next to a... now stranger... that you've gotten to know so well over the years. Both of you are consistently acting so cold and distant, and then you fake happiness in front of the cameras. You know he probably also wants your friendship back, but it would ruin things with y/n, or so you think.

It's a start though - working together - a slow start, but after he stopped texting you again because of the rift with him and her, it's better than nothing. You fucking miss Charles, but you can't betray her like that.

Y/n's laughs radiate from the bar and you turn your head - the two of you returned to the hotel after the launch, and she got changed into a beautiful dress. It suits her eyes quite well. You've been trying to consider how she feels through all of this, and you respect her decision, truly, you do, but it's time for you to get your best mate back.

You glance to the other end of the party. Charles is leaning against the bannister that outlines the terrace. He's in company, but not really either. It's as if he's alone with people around him. Fuck man.

It's hard seeing your best friend isolated like this. You intend on backing up y/n, and her wishes, in terms of how to go about her relationship with her brother, but as time goes on, you continue to realise that you miss him.

She probably knows it, she's not the stupid type, but you can't admit it to her properly. So instead of stating the obvious, or trying to reconcile with him, to any degree at that, you act like an asshole - to both of them, you try not to, but sometimes it just slips out.

You continue brushing over the fact of how much you want your best mate back.

She's the price to pay though. A worthy price.

Someday they'll be fine again, and then it will be your moment, but until then, you'll bite your tongue, watch your best mate clearly suffering, and stand by her side, supporting her through the hurt she's experienced. To be honest, the both of you, granted it was slightly unspoken, but the both of you have been travelling so much to just get away from everything and everyone. It's so much easier when it's only her and you. The world just kind of goes quiet then.

It's odd to consider all these things, standing on the sidelines of a party, but it's just how it is. You love her, and she loves you, but the situation is shit nonetheless.

Obviously you superficially talk about all of this from time to time, although you're not sure it's enough. Kim takes her hand and drags her back to you, before taking off to the dance floor herself.

y/n softly: Hey there...

You chuckle.

Pierre: What did you get?

She lifts up her Manhattan.

Pierre smiles: Gotcha...

She runs her hand along your upper arm, tracing your glance.

y/n: What are you thinking about? Hmm? Char?

You nod shortly, before trying to change the subject, but she refuses to.

y/n: Pierre, please? Why are you deflecting again? Talk to me about it. You only ever bring him up when it's about me - never about you, he was your best friend...

Is, not was.

You shrug, saying there is nothing to bring up. You've been trying to not even think about any of it to be honest. Be a trooper, and all that.

y/n sighs: Well clearly there is if I've seen you stare at him for the last two minutes, while I was still at the bar.

Pierre: It's nothing-

She gives you an annoyed glance.

y/n: Nah, we won't do this back and forth. Tell me, Baby.

Pierre sighs: I don't want to - There's nothing to tell. Stop.

You run your hand through your hair, while chugging down the rest of your drink. She's staring up at you in disbelief. Why are you being an asshole right now? It's probably the alcohol and all this thinking.

y/n sighs: Fine, I'll give you some time to cool off then. Bye.

You don't blame her for reacting that way.

Adoration: Book Two of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now