Chapter Seven: Whisking Her Away...

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Charles' PoV:

- A couple days later -

You glance at your watch; The car launch will start in three hours. It's absolutely inevitable that you'll run into her at some point. She'll be here for him. You know she won't be able to help herself - She doesn't want to come, knowing you'll be here, but she knows how much it will mean to him.

And if they're truly that 'in love', she'll come.

You stay seated in your car for another moment, exhaling slowly. You unlock your phone, looking at your notes app; George's advice was good... You wrote down some things, and how she probably felt about it:

To be honest, you didn't get too far, since you started feeling a little too much guilt

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To be honest, you didn't get too far, since you started feeling a little too much guilt.


The door swings open, and with an excited laugh, Pierre enters the room, holding onto y/n's hand, as she enters behind him. He swiftly introduces her to his half of the team, and the team principal. She looks good; Rested, happy and calm. Very tanned too... You don't know why you noticed that.

If he truly loved her, wouldn't he have understood that she wouldn't want to see you at the launch? Or did she come because she loves him enough to see you regardless of the situation?

Naturally she spots you - Her eyes lock in with yours, but her attention is drawn away when Ferrari's media team spot her. Georgia and Kim pull her into a hug each, and in between responses and questions, her eyes track you down.

You swallow harshly, but you do your best to not look at her: Respecting her space and all that...

She's in ear-shot, so you listen to her saying that she has a job at Haas now, and that she needs more experience before she can go to Australia...

Oh Melbourne... The thing that started off all of this.

Apparently Pierre took her to Italy, Spain, France, Singapore and Thailand over the break. She sounds extremely excited and happy about all of it, and Kim fawns over the trip she took... No wonder she's never around the family anymore, if he keeps whisking her away from the people that love her.

It feels like torture to ignore her like that, and to be ignored. Actually hearing her voice and telling her old co-workers about her life truly doesn't help; You thought you wanted to know, but now you're not so sure about it anymore. You feel crappier than before.

It gets a little easier once you're asked into a separate room to prepare for the event.

Adoration: Book Two of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now