Chapter Nine: A Thing of Principle

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y/n's PoV:

He dramatically rolls his eyes, playing along with your sarcastic skit.

Pierre sighs: Guess I'll take my business elsewhere then...

He lets go of your waist, turns around and continues getting dressed.

y/n whispers: Pierre...

He leans down to put on one of his shoes, then the next - His eyes sliver up to focus on you, while he ties both of them blindly.

Pierre smug: What? Hmm?

His voice is everything right now. There's just something so oddly satisfying about his smugness. You can't help but bite your lip and rest your hands on either side of the waist. His eyes soften as you do that.

Oh he's also totally turned on by this playfulness right now. He straightens up again, now done with his laces. You were right, you see his dick pressing up against the inside of his suit. You suppress your smile - would it be a big scandal if you were to fuck him right here, right now, and someone were to walk in on you doing so?

y/n whispers: Come back...

Playfully he takes another step back, while zipping up his suit.

Pierre chuckles: I can also leave entirely, you know...? Unless...

y/n playfully: Don't, Pierre-

Pierre chuckles: Was that my name...? I think I only respond well to something else...

You chuckle; This man will drive you crazy in the best possible way.

y/n teasingly: Gasly, come back...

He might not like you using his last name in day-to-day life, but it sure as hell turns him on in bed sometimes.

Pierre sighs: Not quite, try again Love...

y/n flirts: Baby-y-y...

Pierre chuckles: There's one more... Just say it...

It's the stupid little things like these, that truly make this a perfect relationship. It's the unnecessary vibes, banter and jokes that make your little union so much stronger. Plus, both of you love playing these little games.

y/n whispers: Mon... Amo- Hmm...

He stares at you in anticipation. Patiently waiting for the second half 'amour'. You can see the insanity brewing behind his eyes - He really wants you to call him mon amour...

y/n cluelessly: I think I forgot how it continues... Fuck...

He throws his arms in the air and returns to you, swiftly pulling you towards his body.

Pierre sighs: I give up y/n - Here I am...

A satisfied, teasing chuckle fills the room. His arms securely wrap around you again.

y/n whispers: Here you are- mon amour...

You play around with the race suit's zipper a little. He glances down as you do so.

Pierre: So you remembered it after all huh? It wasn't that hard...

y/n: I can't let the Frenchman get what he wants, you know... It's a thing of principle-

Pierre smiles: Oh is that so? A thing of principle?

His tone is ever so slightly mocking you.

y/n: Mhmm-

Pierre whispers: But I got what I wanted last night... Last I checked you did exactly what I wanted you to do, ma chérie...

y/n whispers: Oh fuck... True...

You push yourself up onto your tiptoes, stealing a kiss - There's a knock on the door, followed by a rushed, hectic voice asking if he's ready and changed.

Pierre sternly: Yeah, I'm coming-

y/n whispers: What a pity...

He proceeds to open the door as you say that. It forces him to look over his shoulder one last time, to give you another teasing smile. You stick out your tongue at him, and there he goes.


You watch the entire event from the back row of the audience; The camera-men keep whizzing around, trying to capture every fleeting second. To be honest the launch is a bit of a dread, or maybe you've just been to too many of these at this point.

What's the big deal anyways? They pull a cover off a car, announce some sponsors, shake a few hands and the drivers stand around awkwardly, eyeing the car and laughing at scripted jokes.

Regardless of your boredom though, when Pierre comes over to you afterwards, asking what you thought, you tell him it was really interesting and that he did incredibly well - only one of which is technically true, but the event itself doesn't matter, he does... So half of it is a cordial lie.

Charles didn't do badly either, but you intend on keeping your distance from him. He seems to have gotten the memo about leaving you alone, so you're not worried that he'll try to talk to you or something like that.

Adoration: Book Two of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now