guardian angel, pt. 2

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a/n: the dialogues in bold text are spoken in korean.

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You woke up the next morning feeling much better, thanks to the medicine and care from Jihyo, Nayeon, Dahyun, and Amy. But as you went about your morning routine, you couldn't stop thinking about their kind visit. Jihyo's note, in particular, warmed your heart. There was something genuine about her care and concern that intrigued you.

You decided to do some research on TWICE to learn more about the group and Jihyo's role in it. Watching their music videos and behind-the-scenes videos, you were struck by their talent, teamwork, and boundless energy. Jihyo especially stood out as a dedicated leader who brought out the best in her members. You started to understand why she was called "God Jihyo" by fans.

While scrolling through old interviews, you spotted an article about Jihyo's battle with anxiety. Reading how she managed to overcome it with the support of her members, you gained even more respect for her strength and perseverance. It made you appreciate her thoughtfulness in taking care of you even more.

By evening, you felt well enough to thank Amy properly for her help. Over coffee, you told her about researching TWICE and your growing admiration for Jihyo.

"She seems like an amazing person," you said.

Amy smiled knowingly. "She certainly left an impression on you, didn't she?"

You smiled at Amy's perceptiveness. While your feelings for Jihyo were blossoming, you knew a long-distance friendship would come with challenges. For now, reconnecting with old friends like Amy brought comfort after Maya's departure.

"She did," you admitted. "But I'm trying not to get ahead of myself. Who knows what the future holds?"

Amy squeezed your hand reassuringly. "Just take it one day at a time. And know I'm here if you ever want to talk."

Warmed by her kindness, you changed topics to happier ones. Your night with Amy reinforced what truly mattered—cherishing the present moment and supporting others through life's uncertainties.

In the coming days, you texted Jihyo when your schedules allowed. Though brief, your exchanges brought smiles. After a hectic week, she asked to call on Sunday. Her cheer lifted your spirits.

"It's been non-stop, but talking to you makes it all feel lighter somehow," she said gratefully.

You shared in her joy of reconnecting, however briefly. In each other's company, even across distances, lies solace and strength to face tomorrow's challenges.

Despite the distance between you, you and Jihyo found comfort in each other's company.

While her touring and promotions kept her constantly busy, she always appreciated having someone outside of the entertainment industry to talk to. Hearing from you and exchanging short messages throughout the weeks brought her a sense of joy amidst the chaos.

Similarly, you cherished Jihyo's warmth and positivity whenever you connected. Getting a text from her never failed to make you smile, even on a hard day. Her encouragement and listening ear meant the world.

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One evening, while cooking dinner, your phone buzzed with an incoming FaceTime call. Glancing at the screen, you broke into a grin upon seeing Jihyo's name.

"Hey you!" you answered happily. "How are rehearsals going?"

"Exhausting as always, but it's going well," Jihyo said, though you noticed the tiredness in her eyes. "Just wanted to see your face and hear your voice."

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