unexpected confessions

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< non-idol au >

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You and your eight friends huddled in your house for a get-together, just waiting for the last of them to show up. Suddenly, there was a light knock on the door. You all looked up in surprise, thinking that it must be Jihyo. However, instead of her face, you were met with the face of one of your high school friends, someone you had a crush on. She was staring at you with a nervous expression before uttering a simple 'hey' and giving you a smile.

"Uh, hi," you said with confusion.

She asked if she could talk to you alone, so you stepped outside and closed the door. However, you could feel your heart racing as you tried to anticipate what she wanted to talk to you about.

"Oh, can't we talk inside?" she asked.

"No, I actually have friends over," you told Bea, and she nodded, understanding the situation.

At that moment, the sound of Jihyo's car pulled up into the driveway, and she was surprised to see a girl talking to you. While she became curious about your conversation, she refrained from getting out to avoid interrupting. She remained in the car the entire time, feeling a little doubtful of the girl, whom she stared at from time to time as she used her phone.

Bea heard it as well, but she chose to ignore it.

"Okay, well, umm... I know it's been a while, and I know this might seem random, but do you remember the day you told me you liked me and I rejected you?" Bea asked.

Of course. How could you forget that? It was one of the most embarrassing moments of your teenage years. Ever since she rejected you, your friendship has fallen apart, especially when you found out that she dated a girl a year after she told you she was straight.

"Yeah, I remember," you replied, feeling a little uneasy.

"Well, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. To be honest, I've been thinking about it lately, and I realize now that I feel something for you."

Your eyebrows rose in surprise as you tried to process what she was saying.

"What?" you asked.

"I have feelings for you now," she repeated, looking down at her feet. "I know it's been a long time, but I just had to tell you. I don't want to lose you again."

You couldn't help but feel a little flattered, but you had also moved on from her, and you didn't want to lead her on.

"I appreciate you telling me, but I don't think it's a good idea for us to pursue anything romantically," you said gently.

"Why not? I miss us, Y/N," Bea asked, holding your arm.

You tried to delicately remove your arm from her grasp, but she held it firm. You then felt your heart sink to your stomach as Jihyo got out of the car. You figured she heard what Bea said since she was walking towards you with a stern look on her face.

"Excuse me," Jihyo interrupted, her voice firm and assertive. "I think it's time for you to leave."

"And who are you?" Bea snapped, her eyes narrowing at Jihyo.

"I'm Y/N's girlfriend," Jihyo said, her tone leaving no room for argument. "So I suggest you leave now before I have to make you."

You were taken aback. You had feelings for Jihyo, but neither of you had talked about them, and now here she was claiming you as her own. But you could feel the anger bubbling up inside of you because she had felt the need to "rescue you" when you believed that you were handling the situation on your own.

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