falling apart, pt. 2

504 25 2

< non-idol au >

warning: contains themes of intense emotional distress, self-harm, and mental health struggles. reader discretion is advised

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The night pressed on, enveloping the city in a shroud of darkness as Jihyo and Suzy returned home, their minds swirling with worry and exhaustion. The weight of uncertainty hung heavy in the air, a constant reminder of the looming threat of your disappearance.

Inside Jihyo's house, the rest of her friends waited anxiously, their faces etched with concern as they watched her and Suzy enter. Mina's eyes were red-rimmed from crying, her hands clenched in fists of frustration.

"Any news?" she asked, her voice trembling with apprehension.

Jihyo shook her head, her expression somber. "Nothing yet," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But we've informed the authorities, and they're doing everything they can to find her."

The news offered little comfort to the group, their worry only deepening with each passing moment. They had grown accustomed to facing challenges together, but this felt different-a looming sense of helplessness lingering in the air like a thick fog.

Dahyun stepped forward, her gaze unwavering, as she addressed Jihyo and Suzy.

"What can we do to help?" she asked, her voice tinged with determination. "We can't just sit here and do nothing while Y/N is out there somewhere."

Suzy sighed, the weight of responsibility heavy on her shoulders. "For now, we wait," she replied, her voice tinged with resignation. "But we need to stay strong and support each other through this. Y/N needs us now more than ever."

The group nodded in silent agreement, their resolve strengthened by the bond of friendship that held them together. Though the road ahead was fraught with uncertainty, they knew they couldn't afford to lose hope-not when you were out there, alone and vulnerable.

Meanwhile, you found yourself pedaling faster, the cool evening air whipping against your skin. Tears blurred your vision, mingling with the sweat on your brow as you desperately tried to outrun the pain that threatened to consume you.

The headlights of passing cars illuminated the darkened path ahead, casting fleeting glimpses of the world around you. But you paid them no mind, your thoughts consumed by the raw ache in your heart and the memories that haunted your every waking moment.

The sound of your phone buzzing in your pocket snapped you out of your reverie, and you hesitated for a moment before reaching for it. Glancing at the caller ID, you saw a string of missed calls and messages from your friends and Aunt Suzy, their concern evident in the barrage of notifications.

With a trembling hand, you silenced your phone and tossed it back into your pocket, the weight of their worry pressing down on you like a leaden weight. But you couldn't bring yourself to answer. You couldn't bear to face their questions and accusations, not when you were still reeling from the fallout of the confrontation with Jihyo.

Turning off the main road, you found yourself on a quiet stretch of the Gwangju outskirts in Gyeonggi-do, the rhythmic hum of cicadas filling the air with their soothing melody. Spotting a small motel nestled amongst the trees, you steered your bike towards it, the promise of shelter and solitude beckoning you closer.

As you arrived at the modest motel on the outskirts of town, the fatigue from your emotional turmoil and the physical exertion of cycling weighed heavily on your shoulders. The simple building seemed to offer solace from the storm raging within you, its warm lights beckoning you inside like a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.

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