secret admirer

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< high-school au >

a/n: thank you for 300+ reads! but just a little spoiler: the reader will sing a particular love song in this chapter, which will also be jihyo's favorite. you can choose one for yourself if you have a current favorite song, but i've shared mine above since i have been listening to it a lot lately.

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Jihyo was the class president and one of the most popular girls in school. She had it all: good looks, brains, and a large circle of friends known as TWICE, whom she met during her freshman year. Many students were swooning over her, including you, who had a massive crush on her since middle school, when the two of you attended the same classes together with your other friend, Joy.

Throughout middle school, Joy caught you stealing glances towards Jihyo on several occasions, and after some probing, you eventually opened up to her about your affections for her. However, you were too afraid to tell her, and each year you buried your feelings further and further down.

Now in high school, your feelings for Jihyo still haven't changed. You still wanted so badly to tell her, but your fear of rejection still held you back. But your friends weren't going to let that stop them, so they suggested a subtle method that would help you express your feelings to Jihyo. And after carefully considering her suggestion, you diligently created a collection of small notes filled with the titles of romantic songs, slipping each note into Jihyo's locker every week.

Occasionally, Jihyo received letters and presents, but your notes gave her a different rush. Although she initially felt a bit embarrassed, she eventually found them to be so sweet that she looked forward to getting them every week and made sure to keep and treasure the special gift. Curiosity soon took over, and she shared them with her closest friends.

One morning, in front of her locker before class, Jihyo was picking up your note when, all of a sudden, Momo surprised her with a quick "hey" from behind. She spun around to face her friends, who all had playful smirks on their faces.

"You got another note, huh?" Jeongyeon teased Jihyo. "I wonder who it's from."

"Yeah, you've been getting them for weeks now," Sana added.

Exuding happiness, Jihyo's lips curled upward as she said, "I know."

Her friends found it adorable that she had a secret admirer. Although they were curious about the source of the notes, you still felt too terrified to come clean to her and were determined to keep it that way until the moment felt right. But even so, you were careful to never do anything that made it obvious that you had feelings for her.

But that changed in the fall of your junior year when another student in your grade, Daniel, started to show an interest in Jihyo.

One day after class, while you were in the midst of packing your belongings from your locker, you heard Jihyo ask him if the notes she was getting came from him.

"Yes, that was me," he admitted, as they stood by the door. "I hope you like them."

At that moment, your heart shattered upon hearing his false claim that the notes were his.

"I do," Jihyo stated, beaming. "Thank you for them, Daniel."

"Of course. I heard that you like music, so," he replied.

"Well, I do enjoy listening to music," Jihyo said as they both let out a chuckle before she thanked him again.

Anger sparked within you. You were tempted to confess that you were the one leaving the anonymous notes, but you quickly concluded that it wouldn't make a difference since Daniel was also one of the popular students in school, and his friends often teased him about it. So after closing your locker, you headed straight home.

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