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Today was a big game in the wsl. Arsenal vs Chelsea. We really needed to win this game to be able to win the league. The game was later in the evening which made my morning a lot easier, considering I have a toddler who is really fighting sleep at the moment. She is not only keeping herself awake, she is also keeping me awake. Last night she didn't fall asleep before 3 am and woke up again at 6 am. This isn't a big problem for me, cause I can function on little sleep, but for a little 2 year old going to a football match it's probably not so fun.

Right now the clock is 8 am and I'm sitting in bed with Olivia on my lap watching a movie to hopefully get her to fall back to sleep for a little while. I can see her little eyes starting to slowly close and I carefully start to brush trough her thin hair to help her fall asleep faster. She starts to let go of her bottle and her eyes fully close. I take the bottle from her and put it on my nightstand. I sit in bed for about 10 minutes to make sure she is actually asleep. After that I carefully get out of bed and take Olivia down with me to the living room. I put her down on the sofa and take some pillows and lay them around her so she doesn't roll of. I make my way in to the kitchen and make myself a coffee and just look out the window. After standing there for a while I started to make some breakfast, I just made a simple toast and sat down on the kitchen island. I sat there for about an hour, and started to do some cleaning around the house. When I was unloading the dishwasher I felt two small hands on my legs. I looked at the clock and it was actually 11 am. "Hey baby, you slept good" I said as I picked her up. "Yes, me have bottle?" She said as she put her head on my shoulder. "Sure, give me two seconds"

I gave her a bottle and walked up to my bedroom and Sat Olivia down in the middle of the bed. "Do you want to continue the movie we watched earlier?" I said as I picked up the TV remote. "Yes mommy" she said and I put it on. When she was really focused on the movie I went to my closet and started to dress my self and pack my bag for the game today. Since the game was away we had to be at the arsenal grounds at 2pm, and from my house to the arsenal grounds it was a solid 1 and a half hours. I liked to be early just in case Olivia needed me or something. That meant we had to leave in about 1 hour and I still had to pack all Olivia's things and get her dressed.

"Mommy, mommy" I heard Olivia call from the bedroom. "Yes, what is it" I said as I walked in front of the bed. "Upies" she said as she stood up and put her arms in the air. "Come over here then" I said and stuck my hands out. Olivia wobbled her way over to me with a big smile on her face laughing. I picked her up and took her with me to my closet. I put Olivia down and she started to play with some of my clothes laying on the floor. I packed the rest of our things and put the bag in the hallway. "Olivia, come we have to put some other clothes on you" I called on her from the hallway. She wasn't a very fast walker considering she learned it a few months ago. I picked her up and put her on the changing table. "Do you want to wear you arsenal shirt baby" I asked her. "Mommy's shirt?" She said looking at me with her blue baby eyes. "Yes, you want to?" I said and put it on her. "Me beautiful, like mommy" she said. "You are so sweet, omg" I said laughing and taking her of the changing table and putting her on the floor. We made ur way over to the stairs and I took Olivia's hand to help her down and prevent her from falling. She wants to be independent and don't let me carry her down the stair anymore.

I packed the last things and we made ur way to the car. Olivia walked in front of me. I put our bags in the back of the car and opened the back door to put Olivia in her car seat. I put her in and buckled her in. Luckily for me she have never been hard to put in a car seat. I gave her a dummy and put a blanket over her. I made my way around the car and got in my self. I started the car and started driving. I looked back and Olivia was close to falling asleep. It was a quiet and peaceful drive and Olivia slept the whole way.

We made ur way there and I parked the car. Olivia was surprisingly still seeping which meant I had to wake her up. That usually meant a clingy and cranky baby. And that is not what I needed at the moment. Firstly I took my bags out and then I made my way over to her seat. I opened up the door and just took a moment to look at her, she looked so sweet. I took a picture and posted it to my insta story.

I carefully pulled the blanket of her and tried to unbuckle her without waking her up

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I carefully pulled the blanket of her and tried to unbuckle her without waking her up. Which I failed drastically. She woke up and stared crying a bit. I feel for her because no one likes to be woken up from their sleep. To avoid a full meltdown I picked her up and she put her head in my neck. "It's ok, you can sleep later on the bus baby" I said as I patted her back. "Bunny" she mumbled against my neck. Bunny was her stuffed bunny. She loved that bunny and brought it everywhere she went. "Here it is" I said and gave it to her. She immediately took it and hugged it hard.

The bus ride to Chelsea went great and Olivia slept the whole way which meat she would stay awake during the game.

I had just delivered Olivia to one of the staff members to watch her when I played. Luckily she was really close with them.

The game went really well and we won 2-0.


A/N - hey, hope you like it and hope you want to continue reading it.

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