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Today me and Olivia are returning home to London. We had an early flight this time too, so we had to out of the hotel at 5 am since the flight left at 6:30 am. This meant a sleepy and fussy Olivia. But hopefully I could get her to sleep on the plane.

I woke up to my alarm at 4:30 am. Olivia was still sleeping with her head snuggling in my arm. I packed everything last night so I only had to get myself and Olivia dressed. I carefully pulled my arm away from Olivia and got out of bed. I put on my clothes and brushed my hair and teeth. I put out clothes for Olivia and went to wake her up. "Olivia, are you ready to go home?" I asked gently putting my hand on her belly. She woke up and let out some sounds. I picked her up and held her close to me. "Mommy have to change your clothes and then we are going home." I said putting her down on the edge of the bed. She was so tired but I managed to get her dressed in the end. I picked her up and we went down to the lobby we're the rest of the arsenal girls were. Olivia is resting her head in my neck, but I don't think she is sleeping. We made it to the taxi taking us to the airport.

We made it trough the check in and have just seated ourselves on the plane. Olivia was currently sleeping in my arms cuddling her bunny. It was a bit chilly on the plane so I covered Olivia with a blanket.

(Leah's insta story)

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(Leah's insta story)


She slept soundly the whole plane ride and woke up after we left the plane when we were sitting in the lobby waiting to board our second plane. Beth was sitting beside me talking to Viv on the phone. Olivia was still a bit groggy so she was cuddling her head on my chest. "Mommy?" Olivia asked lifting her head off my chest looking up at me. "What baby?" I asked brushing trough her hair. "When we home?" She asked. "We have 1 more plane that takes about 2 hours, then we have to drive from the airport to our house." I said. "Okey. What Beth doing?" She said pointing to Beth on the phone. "She is taking to Viv on the phone." I answered as Beth turned her head smiling at Olivia. "Oh." She said putting her head back on my chest. She sat like this for the rest of the time before we walked into the plane.


"You have to be quiet Olivia, Beth is sleeping." I said to Olivia who was babbling and standing up in my lap. "Sleepy?" She said pointing to Beth sleeping. "Yes, and that's why you have to be quiet." I said bopping her nose. "Okey, but can we draw something?" She asked. "Sure, let me find it first." I said putting my hand into my bag pulling out her drawing book and colouring pens. I laid it out on the tray in front of us and Olivia started to draw. She continued with this for a bit of time before she wanted me to join. "Mommy draw." She said giving me a pen. "Okey, what should I draw?" I asked taking the pen. "A doggie." She said. I started drawing the dog and Olivia was watching me with big eyes. "Wow mommy. Doggie look so good." She said taking the pen back from me. "Thanks. Now you colour some more." I said leaning my head back keeping my hands around Olivia so she don't fall off my lap.

I think I fell asleep for a bit because I woke up to Beth tapping me on my shoulder. Olivia was still sitting on my lap drawing. "We are almost there Leah, they said we are landing in about 10 minutes." Beth said. "Can you take Olivia for a moment, I have to pack our things?" I asked Beth. "Sure." She said back. "Olivia can you stay with Beth for a bit, mommy have to pack our things?" I asked and Olivia agreed. She started to walk over to Beth. I started to pack everything together and the plane started to land. Olivia always get a bit scared when the plane go up and down so she makes her way back to my lap and hold on tightly to my shirt. The plane landed safely and we got off.

As we were walking out of the airport over to our car Olivia wanted to walk. She was holding onto my hand, in my other hand I held both mine and Olivia's suitcase. We made it to our car and Beth helped me load the back with all the suitcases while I got Olivia seated. When we both finished we started driving home.

We dropped off Beth and made it home to our own house. Olivia was awake and was waiting for me to take her out. I took the luggage out and explained to Olivia that I would be right back because I had to take the luggage inside first. I walked back out and opened Olivia's door and took her out. She walked beside me holding my hand until we came up to the door. She ran inside and flopped down on the couch. "Did you miss the couch?" I asked laughing a bit. "Yes, come sit mommy." She said patting the seat beside her. I went over and sat down. Olivia climbed into my lap and stood facing me. "What we doing mommy?" She said looking at me. "Well we have about 2 hours before you a going to bed, so you can decide baby." I said brushing through her hair. "Can we make cookie?" She said looking at me with hopeful eyes. "You want to bake cookies?" I asked and she nodded her head. We went into the kitchen and I sat Olivia down on the kitchen island and took out all the ingredients.  I put all the ingredients in a bowl and started mixing it. I rolled them out on a baking tray and put them in the oven. "Done, now we have to wait. Can you help mommy clean in the meantime?" I asked putting all the dirty dishes in the sink. "Okey." She said holding a towel.

I took the cookies out of the oven and put them of to cool down. "While they are cooling down we are going to put on your pjs." I said picking Olivia up. "But me want cookie." Olivia said. "You can have one after they have cooled down." I said walking up the stairs. We walked into Olivia's room and I found a pair of pjs and put her down on the changing table. I changed her and we walked back down. "Here you go." I said and gave her a cookie. "Thank you." She said and started eating it. We walked over to the couch and sat down. I turned on the tv and put on a movie. "All done." Olivia said holding out her halfway eaten cookie to me. "You don't want any more?" I asked taking the cookie. "No, me done." She said standing up walking off my lap. I put the cookie on the table in front of me. "Okey, that means we are putting you to bed, it's getting late." I said standing up. "Upies." Olivia said holding her hands up. I went over to her and picked her up. She snuggled her head on my shoulder as we walked upstairs. I entered her room and went over to her bed. I put on her sleep sack and gave her a dummy and her bunny. I laid her down in her bed and turned off the light. "Night night baby." I said about to walk out. "Mommy, stay." She said standing back up. "Okey, I will stay until you are asleep." I said walking back into the room. I went to sit down in the chair in her room after laying Olivia back down. It will probably take a bit of time before she fall asleep since this is her first night back in her own bed without me. Eventually she fell asleep and I carefully walked out. I left the door a little open just in case Olivia woke up.

After I had emptied all our bags from the trip I went to bed myself. Olivia was still sleeping so I had the bed to myself today. In two days I'm back to the regular schedule with training and matches. So tomorrow we will just have a chilled day. That meant I could sleep in, but only if Olivia doesn't wake up.


A/N - hope you like it. And I would really appreciate if you can come with some ideas of what I can write. I have about two parts planned but after that I'm a bit lost. Hopefully some of you have some ideas.

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