Boat trip

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Today we are going on the boat trip. I'm actually looking forward to it since Olivia slept really good last night. Her energy level is also through the roof, as she is running around in our room waiting for me to finish getting dressed.

"Olivia calm down." I said as she was running back and forth between the door and the wall.
She didn't stop and kept running.

"Olivia Williamson." I said in a more stern voice to make her stop. This time she did. She probably got a bit confused at me calling her full name. I only do that when she don't listen.

"You have to calm down. If not you can get hurt." I said bending down to her level. She nodded her head at me.

"Good. Can you sit down and play with your toy's while mommy finish the packing." I said putting her toys in front of her. She sat down and began playing.

I packed my bag and got ready to leave. We walked out and over to the elevator. Olivia was walking beside me holding onto my hand. As we were waiting for the elevator Olivia didn't stand still.

"Is something wrong Olivia?" I asked at her moving side to side.

"I need to use the toilet mommy." She said. I looked down at her to see her crossing her legs.

"We will go back to our room then." I said turning around.

"Mommy carry me." Olivia said holding her hands out. I picked her up and walked back to our room. I opened our door and put Olivia down on the bathroom floor.

"Hurry mommy." Olivia said as I helped her pull down her pants.

"I trying." I said as I placed her on the toilet.

"Next time Olivia, you have to tell mommy sooner. Because if you don't go to the toilet, you may have an accident in your pants." I said.

"Okay." Olivia said back.

When she finished I helped her wash her hands. We walked back out and over to the elevator. Again Olivia was holding onto my hand. We took the elevator down to were the rest of the girls were waiting. I picked up Olivia and walked over to them. We came a bit late so we just walked straight onto the bus that was waiting for us outside. I placed Olivia down in her own seat and put the seatbelt over her. I gave her, her bunny and sat down beside her. It wasn't a long ride to were the boats were, only about 15 minutes.


We had just got onto the boat and sat down. Olivia was a bit scared getting on the boat, but I managed to get her to come on. The boat was one of those open boats where you sit on the sides. Olivia sat on my lap facing outwards so she could see everything that happened.

"Look mommy, the fishies are swimming." Olivia said pointing to them in the water.

"I see." I said looking down at them.

"I'm hungry." Olivia said looking up at me.

"We ate breakfast 30 minutes ago Olivia, how are you hungry?" I said back.

"I'm hungry, can I have apples please?" She said.

"If you walk over to my bag over there you can have them." I said pointing to my bag standing on the other end of were we were sitting. Olivia climbed down from my lap and walked over to the bag. She used some time before she walked back over to me with a bag of apples in her hands.

"Open." Olivia said handing me the bag. I took the bag and helped her back up on my lap.

"Here, don't spill anything." I said handing her the open bag. Olivia began munching her apples and the boat began driving.

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