Free time

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I woke up from some sounds inside the room. I carefully sat up in my bed and looked at the clock. It was 7am. Olivia must have heard me sitting up and immediately said my name.

"Mommy." She said with some clear discomfort in her voice.

"Yeah. What's wrong?" I said.

"I had a bad dream. I'm scared." She answered back.

"Ohh, I'm sorry. Come over to mommy." I said laying back down on my pillow.

"No, I can't." She said. I could hear she was close to beginning to cry.

"Why baby?" I asked sitting back up.

"I'm scared mommy." She said, now crying.

"I'll get you, it's okay." I said getting out of bed to get her. She was already standing up with her arms out crying.

"Shh. Mommy's here now." I said as I walked back over to my bed.

"What did you dream about Olivia." I asked laying back down with her. She was clearly upset and scared as she tightly held onto my T-shirt.

"That someone took you away from me. We was out on the grass and I couldn't find you. It was scary mommy." Olivia said and I felt so bad for her.

"That won't happen okay? Mommy will not let anyone take me away from you. And when mommy have training or a match I'll come get you as soon as I'm done so you can be with me all the time." I said and gave her a kiss on the head.

"Mhm. Don't leave mommy." She said as she cuddled her head into my chest.

"I won't, I promise." I said pulling the covers over us.

"Can we watch Elsa mommy." Olivia asked.

"Sure, but it's 7 in the morning and we don't have to leave for another 3 hours. Don't you want to sleep a bit?" I asked.

"No sleep. I want mommy and I want to watch Elsa." She said sitting up but still tightly holding onto my shirt.

"Fine. Can you hand me the remote then? It's on the nightstand over there." I said pointing to it.

"Here, put on Elsa." She said giving me the remote.

"I will." I said putting it on. Olivia sat down beside me and put my arm around her so she could hold onto it. She played around with my fingers while giving all her attention to the tv.


"Mommy come on, we need to leave." Olivia said to me standing by the door.

"I'm coming." I said walking out of the bathroom.

"Do you need the bathroom before we go Olivia?" I asked picking up my bag.

"No." She said.

"Okay, but remember to tell me if you have to." I said back.

We have a little free time today since we finished our meeting and training early. That's why we decided to go down to the beach in the evening. Olivia was really excited to say the least.

We walked down to the main area where we met the others. It wasn't everyone on the team, we were around 6 girls going down.

As we walked out the doors the sun met us. It wasn't super bright as the clock was already 5pm. Olivia was happily running around in front of me holding onto Keira's hand. It wasn't a long walk down to the beach, so we made it there after about 10 minutes.

"Come swim mommy?" Olivia asked as I pulled off my shirt.

"Yes. Let me take off my clothes first." I said taking off my shorts as well.

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