Off day

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Today the team had an off day. On these days I usually hang out with some off the girls. Today we are hanging out with Beth and Viv at their house. I think we are making some pizza and maybe going for a walk since they have a dog and Olivia probably want to play at the playground over there. Olivia slept really well tonight and I actually got some real sleep for once. I woke up at 8 am to complete silence, that meant Olivia was still sleeping. That gave me some time to get myself ready for the day.

I got out of bed, put on some clothes and made my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and did my skincare. I went down to the kitchen and made breakfast for myself and made a bottle for Olivia. The clock was now 9 am and I heard Olivia crying from her room.

I made my way up the stairs and in to her room. She stood there reaching her arms out for me to pick her up. "Mommy, up" she said crying a bit. "Your ok, mommy's here now" I said as I took her out of her sleep sack and picked her up. I walked over to the changing table and started to change her. Over the last months Olivia has gotten a lot more verbal, and she talks a lot more. "What we do today mommy?" She asked as I put a new diaper on her. "We are going to Beth and Viv's house to make some food and go on a walk" I said. "Doggo" she said smiling. "Yes their dog will also be there" I said picking her up and putting her in the floor. She took my and we walked down the stairs. I gave her the bottle I made earlier and sat down on the couch. Olivia sat herself down in my lap and leaned her head back on my chest. I put on the TV went on my phone and answered a message from Beth. She asked when we were coming over. I said we were coming in a couple hours.

The clock was now 1 pm and me and Olivia had just walked out to the car. I put her stroller and her bag in the back. The sun was shining and Olivia had some really cute sunglasses on. I opened her door and put her in her car seat. I buckled her in and got in the front seat to start driving. They didn't live so far away from us but I didn't want to walk there with Olivia.

I parked the car and got out. I took Olivia out and put her down on the ground. She held on to my legs while I sorted out something in her bag. I took her hand and walked up to their front door. Olivia wanted to ring the doorbell. "Ring it baby" I said looking down at her. She rang it and soon after Beth opened the door. "Beth" Olivia said letting go of my hand running up to her. "Olivia" she said back hugging her. We all went inside and sat down on the couch.

After we spent some hours talking, playing with Olivia and watching TV, we decided to go for a walk. Olivia had a lot of energy and was running around. I left her inside and went out to the car to get her stroller. When I came back inside Olivia was all dressed up ready to go. "You ready to play honey" I asked her. "Yes" she said exited jumping up and down. I sat her in the stroller cause there was a lot of traffic on the way to the playground. I put her sunglasses on and gave her her bunny and blanket. I couldn't help myself but to take a picture and post it.

We eventually made it to the playground and I took Olivia out and put her down

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We eventually made it to the playground and I took Olivia out and put her down. She immediately ran of to play. Me, Beth and Viv sat down on the bench very close by. I kept a close eye on her as she played while we just talked. It was just us here today which was really nice. After about 20 minutes Olivia came over to us.
"Mommy, can you help me on the slide" she said standing in front of me with her hands on my knees. "Sure, come on then" I said as I stood up. Olivia ran in front of me over to the slide. "You can walk up and mommy will catch you when you slide down" I said and Olivia stated to walk up. She made it to the top and looked at me. "You have to sit down" I said. She sat down and looked at me again. "What is it baby, did you change your mind?" I asked her. "Scary" she said. "It's ok, mommy will catch you, I promise" I said sticking my hands out. "Ok" she said and pushed herself forward and slid into my arms. "You did it, see it wasn't so bad" I said standing up with Olivia in my arms. She had the biggest smile on her face. We walked over to the others and we decided it was time to walk back home. Olivia needed a nap so she doesn't get cranky and we need to make some food.

We made it back and Olivia fell asleep in the stroller on the way home. I didn't want to leave her in the stroller cause that was not very comfortable and she will probably sleep longer if she sleeps another place. I carefully picked her up and held her close. I sat down on the couch and Olivia laid on my chest. Her breathing was calm and she was lightly snoring. She was so cute. Beth and Viv was making the pizza and I felt bad for not helping, but they said it was ok. I still felt bad though.

Olivia slept for about 30 minutes before she started to wake up. She rubbed her eyes and looked at me. "Hey baby" I said brushing my fingers trough her hair. "Hungry" she said looking at me with tired eyes. "We can go look at how long Beth and Viv have come on the food" I said standing up. I walked into the kitchen and the food was actually finished sitting on the table. We sat down and started eating. Olivia loved it but she got very messy. Which meant she had to take a bath when we come home.

We said goodbye to Beth and Viv and started driving home. We came home a little before Olivia's bedtime. I gave her a bath and put on her pjs. I took her into her room and sat down in the chair in her room. I gave her the bottle I made her and tried to snooze her of to sleep. After some time she did. I put her down in her crib and carefully walked out of the room. I left her door halfway open. I was so tired myself so I just went to bed and fell asleep shortly after.


A/N - I hope you like it. I will try and post more as soon as possible:)

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