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Me and Olivia entered the training grounds and I have just delivered Olivia of to a staff member. I walked down to the changing rooms and sat down in my place. I slipped on my training jersey and tied my boots. Me and Beth walked out towards the grass. It's was lightly raining today, but I didn't mind since I quite liked to train in the rain.

We did some drills and nothing match related since we don't have a match this weekend. So instead of a match we had some trainings. Some inside in the gym and some outside on the pitch. It also meant I would get more time with Olivia.

We were in the middle of playing a mini match when Jonas called me over to him. I lightly jogged over to him. "Hey, what is it?" I asked a bit out off breath. "Hey, Charlotte the staff member that watches Olivia called me." He said and I felt my stomach drop. "Oh no, did something bad happen to her?" I said feeling my heart racing. "I'm not sure, they called and said she had fallen and they said she kept saying she wanted you." He said. "Oh no. Am I allowed to miss the rest of training today?" I said a bit anxious because I didn't know what had happened to her. "Of course, don't worry about training." He said and I ran over to the changing rooms and ripped off my boots and stepped into my slippers. I took my bag with me still in my training gear and walked as fast as I could up to Olivia. I ripped the door open and was met with a pretty loud cry. Poor Olivia. I put my bag down at the door and walked over to her.

"What happed honey?" I said as Olivia spotted me walking over to her. "Mommy." She said crying looking at me with watery eyes. I picked her up and tried to calm her down. I turned over to Charlotte and asked her what happened. "Jonas said she had fallen, but it looks like she is very hurt. What happened?" I said looking at the staff member. "She was happily running around while I did some work at the desk over there. I looked away for like 5 seconds and the next thing I know is her crying saying her arm hurt. I'm so sorry." She said and I could tell she was feeling bad. "It's not your fault. She is not so steady on her feet yet so she just tumbled over." I said trying to calm Olivia down who was still crying. "Yes, but her arm though? It don't look to good Leah." She said pointing to Olivia's arm. Olivia was holding her arm close to herself in a weird position, which told me she had hurt it. "Olivia can mommy take a look at your arm?" I said looking at Olivia who was still crying lightly. "No, hurt." She said shaking her head. " I'm not gonna touch it, I'm just looking at it." I said and she let me look at it. It looked a bit swollen and red on her lower arm. "It does not look that good." I said and looked over at the staff. "Maybe you can go down to the medical staff and make the take a look at it." She said and I agreed and took my bag and walked down to the medical room. Olivia had stopped crying but the was still really scared with me touching her arm.

I opened the door to the medical room and walked inside. "Hey, I'm sorry to bother you guys but Olivia have hurt her arm and I was wondering if you could take a look at it?" I asked walking over to one of the chairs in the room and sat down. "Of course, that won't be a problem." She said and I sat Olivia facing her in my lap. "Okey Olivia, where does it hurt?" She asked. "Here." She said pointing to her lower right arm. "Okey. Can I touch it?" She asked looking at Olivia. "No no, it hurt." She said leaning further back into my chest. "It's okey baby she won't hurt you. If she can look at it, you will get all better." I said and she held her arm out so she could look at it. She gently squeezed and pulled on her arm which made Olivia pull her arm back to herself and start crying again. I turned her around and held her close to my chest. "Okey, that does not look too good. I would recommend that you go and get it checked out. I think it might be broken." She said throwing away her gloves. "Yeah I was afraid of that." I said standing up with Olivia close to me.

We walked out to the car and I gently put Olivia down in her seat. We were on ur way to the hospital and I was still in my training clothes. At the moment Olivia was quiet and held onto her bunny. I could tell she was in pain and I felt so bad for her. I just hope it isn't so bad.

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