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I had just woken Olivia up from her nap. She didn't get to sleep as long as she wanted so she was cranky. But she needed to get up as we had to eat dinner before me and Keira talked about going for a walk down at the beach.

"No mommy." Olivia cried out as I put her down on the floor to tie my shoes.

"I have to tie my shoes, hold on." I said to her as she cried into my legs.

"You want to bring bunny, and maybe you want your paci too?" I said as she didn't calm down and just kept crying.

"Mhm, I want paci and bunny." She said in between sniffles and tears.

"Okay." I said going over to my bag to find her paci and collected her bunny of the bed. I gave them to her before I picked her up. She laid her head on my shoulder and I began walking down to dinner.

When we came down Keira was waiting for us at the entrance. We were the only ones there as today was one of those days were we could decide for ourselves when we wanted to eat. We were a bit earlier then we normally would as we were going out.

For dinner I picked some pasta with sauce and some salad on the side. For Olivia I just put some mashed potatoes in a bowl. Olivia was still not letting me put her down and was closely cuddling into my chest.

"Still up for the walk?" Keira asked. Probably referring to Olivia on my chest.

"Yeah. She's just tired and a bit mad I woke her up from her nap. She'll come around." I said running my hand over her head, and taking a bite of my pasta.

"I get why she's mad. You did that to me all the time when we shared a room." Keira said laughing a bit. Olivia was smiling a bit at that.

"I didn't. But you did sleep like all the time and I didn't have anyone to talk to." I said. She just gave me a look before turning her attention to Olivia.

"Are you excited for the beach walk Olivia?" Keira asked Olivia. Olivia looked up at her and nodded her head, before placing it back down on my chest.

"You want to eat something Olivia, before we leave?" I asked.

"No." She said.

"Are you sure, you won't get food after the walk. After the walk we will go night night." I said trying to get her to eat.

"Not hungry mommy." Olivia said with her paci secured in her mouth.

"Fine, but don't fuss over being hungry when we come back then." I said just giving up since she is in this mood.


We had finished our food and was now walking on the beach. It was a beautiful sunset and it was sent too cold. Olivia was sitting on my hip in a little better mood then before.

"When is your next break." Keira asked me.

"After our Chelsea game at home. So in about 6 weeks or something." I said "How come?" I asked.

"Nothing big. I just wondered if you would come visit me soon." She said looking up at me.

"Of course we will come. Don't we Olivia?" I said.

"Yes, watch Keira play." She said.

"Maybe". I said at her. "Do you guys have a break at the same time as me?" I asked Keira.

"I don't think so. I think we have a home game. But that doesn't really matter, you can just watch me play and we can do something after or the next day." She said.

"Yes we don't mind." I said as I adjusted Olivia a bit on my hip.

"You hear that Olivia. You and mommy will come watch me play." Keira said to Olivia who gave her a big smile.

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