England camp - media day

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Today is the last full day at camp before we travel back home. We had a media day which meant filming some stuff and having some interviews. Olivia loved these days because she gets to run around and play with all the girls.

I woke up to Olivia jumping on the bed at 8 am. Way to early for my liking, and today we actually could have slept in since the media day didn't start before 2 pm. "Olivia don't jump on the bed, go back to sleep" I said and covered my head with my hands. "No, me not tired. Mommy wake up." She said as she kept jumping up and down. "Mommy's tired. Please stop jumping." I said as I looked at her with my eyes half way open. She didn't stop and in the end I had to get up. "Should we turn on a movie baby?" I asked in a attempt to calm her down. "Yes, can we watch Elsa?" She asked standing in front of me. "Seriously again, we have watched that movie so many times Olivia." I said as I laughed. "Mhm, me love it." She said. "Fine, come sit down then." I said patting the duvet beside me. "Okey." She said and walked over to me sitting down beside me. The clock was now 9 am and we still had many hours to kill. I tuned in the movie and Olivia immediately settled and leant herself on my side. I hope she falls asleep for a bit so she isn't grumpy and fussy all day.

The clock is now 1 pm and me and Olivia have just eaten breakfast and I'm now dressing Olivia. She didn't sleep a wink after she woke up, so this is going to be a long day. "Where we going mommy?" She asked me as I pulled up her comfy pants. "We are having a media day with lots of fun." I said and put Olivia down on the floor. "Yey, me can play with the girls?" She asked walking over to the door. "Yes, I'm sure you can." I said as I put on both mine and Olivia's shoes. I opened the door and Olivia started running down the hall over to the elevator. "Olivia stay close to mommy." I said to Olivia and she slowed down and turned around looking at me. "Don't run away from me honey." I said taking her hand. We walked into the elevator and Olivia wanted me to pick her up. I did and we made it down to the indoor pitch. Most of the girls were already there when we walked in and all eyes went on Olivia. She said hey to everyone before she put her head on my shoulder. We had a lot to get through today so I hope Olivia stays this calm and quiet.

The first thing we were set to do was taking some photos and videos with our new England kit. First I put on the home kit. "This is so cool actually." I said to the girls standing with me. I put on my socks and some boots. "Leah" one of the staff member in charge of the kits call out and I turned around. "Yes" I said before I saw what she was holding. "Here, a little kit for our tiniest member. The producers really want a picture of her in it." She said and handed it over to me. "Omg, how cute. Thank you." I said and bent down to Olivia who was playing with someone's shoes. "Olivia look what mommy have for you. Should we take it on?" I said holding up the little shirt and the little shorts. "Yes, me look like mommy, and Beth, and Keira, and Ella, and lessi." She said pointing out all the girls standing behind us. "Yes you will look like us" I said laughing sitting down on the pitch and standing Olivia up. I pulled her shirt of and put the jersey on, and same with the pants. "Wow, so pretty" I said as I stood up taking Olivia's hand. We walked over to the girls who had already begun taking pictures. Olivia let go of my hand and proudly walked over to the girls. "How cute you are Olivia, wearing mommy's number." Beth said as Olivia walked over to her. "Me look like you and mommy." She said and pointed to me standing right behind her. "You sure do. But do you want to know a secret Olivia?" Beth said bending down to Olivia's level. "Yes" she answered happily. "I think you look better than mommy." Beth whispered in Olivia's ear loud enough for me to hear it. This this made all of us start laugh. "I think that's true." I said picking Olivia up.

Firstly the photographer wanted a picture with me and the rest of the girls without Olivia. She was and angel standing behind the camera looking at me the whole time. Then they took individual photos of all the girls. In the end it was Olivia's turn. "Olivia, come." I said and she started to run over to me. "How do you want to do it?" I asked the photographer holding Olivia's hand. "We can start with a picture of both of you and then some of just her." He said. "Sure." I said picking up Olivia and standing in front of the camera. "How should I hold her, or should she stand on her own?" I asked. "We can do both, let's start with her holding your hand, and you can face the other way." He said and we turned around and I took Olivia's hand. "Mommy upies" Olivia said and the started to pull on my leg. "Wait a minute baby, he have to take a picture of us standing like this first." I tried explaining to her. "Mommy, please." she said trying to reach my shirt. "It's ok, you can pick her up. I have what I need from that set." The photographer said. I picked up Olivia and she was instantly happy playing with the necklace I had on. "So now we are talking one of you just holding her in different positions, and then we will have you sit on the box over there." He said and started taking photos. We did all the sets with both of us and now it was time for just Olivia. "You are going to stand here Olivia, and mommy will be standing right there with the photographer, okey?" I said putting her down. "Okey" she said. "Can you smile big for mommy?" I asked and she showed me the biggest smile. The photos tuned out great and Olivia did much better than I expected.

Before we were filming our video content we had some free time to kill. "Can you guys watch her while I quickly run to the bathroom?" I asked Beth who was standing with a group of girls. "Sure" she said and Olivia walked over to the and stood in front of her. I made my way to the bathroom and hurried up as much as I could. I was only gone for like 10 minutes, and when I walked back into the pitch I could hear Olivia crying. I walked as fast as I could over to Olivia crying in Beth's arms. "What happed?" I asked taking Olivia from her. "She was running around chasing a ball and she fell over scraping her knee a bit." Beth said. "You have to be careful with running around baby." I said patting her back lightly. "Ouchie" Olivia said pointing to her knee still letting out some sniffles. "Let me see" I said turning her around in my arms so it would be easier for me to see. It's just a red mark on it, thankfully. "Maybe a bandaid and a lollipop would make it better?" Beth suggested making Olivia slightly smile on my shoulder. "Yes, I'm sure the medical team have one." I said looking at Beth smiling. "Me too. And I will get you a lollipop." Beth said walking of. I took Olivia over to the medical team and they gave her a cute little bandaid with a lion on. "Me bandaid have a lion on mommy." Olivia said pointing to her knee. "Yes it dose. Feeling better now?" I asked picking her up walking over to Beth and the rest of the girls. "Yes much better" she answered putting her head on my shoulder. "Look what I have." Beth said bending down to the ground. I put Olivia down and she immediately ran over to her. "Lolly." She said making her way over to her. Beth gave her the lollipop and Olivia gave her a big hug before she went over to the rest of the girls showing of her lollipop.


After the long media day we were on our way back to our hotel rooms. Olivia was super tired and was resting her head in the crook of my neck. She must be tired since she went a whole day without a proper nap. I opened our door and went inside. I put Olivia down on the floor to be able to dress her into her pjs, but she wasn't to happy about that and started crying. "I know you want to go sleep, but mommy have to put on your pjs." I said taking off the clothes she already have on. I quickly got her dressed and decided to wait with my self to after she had fallen asleep. I sat down in my bed and Olivia laid herself down on my chest. I didn't take long before she settled and started to fall asleep. I went on my phone and answered some messages from my mom and asked the staff to send me the pictures of me and Olivia. I took a photo of Olivia sleeping on my chest and turned my phone of. I carefully placed Olivia down in the middle of the bed and got up to get myself ready for bed. I was just about to walk out of the bathroom when I heard Olivia starting to wake up. I quickly walked over to the bed and got my self in and pulled Olivia back on my chest. She immediately fell back asleep. I adjusted myself so I was laying in a comfortable position and soon after I fell asleep.


A/N - hope you like it.

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