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"I can't believe this!" America yelled, slamming his fist down onto his disorganised bedside table. "My own mother, PREGNANT WITH THAT COMMUNIST PIG'S CHILD!"

"Brother..." The Afterllife sighed, "He's my dad too... And my world is built on communism..."

"Right, sorry. Commie."

"...But you're not wrong," she continued, giving Ame the middle finger, "He can't be in this universe, he belongs back home with me..."

Nodding, the USA stared up at his long-lost little sister. He still had so many unanswered questions, but he was too afraid of the answers to ask them.

Finally, he broke their silence. "What do we do?"

"You need to talk to Mother, Ame," Afterlife answered, sighing. "And from what I've seen, you should apologise to the EU too."


"Anyone fancy a cup of tea?"

"Nein, dankeschön."

"I will have tea with you, моя любовь~"

"I don't drink tea anymore, thank you."

Rolling her eyes at the EU, the UK put the kettle on, mind racing with shame and injustice from the previous meeting.

"If you don't mind me asking," Germany piped up suddenly, turning to the USSR, "Why did you come back?"

"Ah, it was simple choice really," Soviet smiled, his thick Russian accent unintentionally calming the Brit behind him. "I didn't want to put up with your father Germany, and I wanted to fix my life's biggest regret."

"And what would that be, Mr. USSR?" The EU asked, guard immediately raised.

"Giving in to my fears and not asking my one true love to be mine forever..."

"S-Soviet..." The UK stammered, cheeks turning a (quite beautiful) rose-red, "Really?"

"Да," Soviet nodded, "You're the only person that has ever made me smile how you do, your beauty and kindness light up my world and I was lost without you... I know it's been a long time and this is very sudden, but would you make me the happiest country in history and marry me, Великобритания?"

"Oh my god..." the Brit gasped, "Yes, of course I'll marry you!"

Stunned, Germany applauded, watching as the USSR swept the UK off of her feet and kissed her, smiling more than anyone he'd ever seen before. Meanwhile, the EU frowned, pulling out her phone and typing furiously.

"Was?" Ger whispered to her.

"I have to tell the UN about this..."


"Sovi," The UK whispered, "Do we tell Ame?"

"Нет, and not Russia either; I don't want either of them hurting you."

"Ame wouldn't do that!"


"He wouldn't..."


"Would he?"

"He's a narcissist," The EU interrupted, "Of course he would."

"But he loves you!" Germany added, gazing with a mix of sympathy and guilt as the USSR wiped away Britain's tears.

"I failed," Britain sobbed, "I'm a terrible parent and a horrible person, I don't deserve-"

"Shhh" Soviet soothed, "Don't say that, моя любовь... You're amazing... Isn't she?" He glanced desperately over at his guests as he mopped up his fiancée's tears.

"Ja... Britannien, you've made mistakes in the past, but you're a good person!" Germany added, standing up and hugging the country that practically raised him. "Right, EU?"

"I suppose they're right," the EU nodded reluctantly, stroking the UK's silky hair.

Sighing sadly, Soviet asked, "West, may I speak to you outside?"

"Ja, of course!"

"EU, look after my precious teacup." With that, the pair left, leaving the UK and EU alone, awkwardly hugging each other.

"Britain... The USSR has only been here a few days, how are you already pregnant?"

"...Time doesn't matter in our world."


"I miss you... Come back..."

"I-I miss you too, but I can't..."

"Is England stopping you?"

"You could say that..."

"He's not hurting you, is he?"

"N-Not yet-"


"...Scotland misses you, though..."

"I miss him too... He has such a gorgeous smile..." Euro sighed mournfully.


"You remind me a lot of your sister," The USSR smiled softly, "Even the way you speak... Were you treated well in the West?"

"Ja, I was looked after," Germany replied, grinning shyly up at the fiery-eyed Russian.

"Were you lonely?"

"Nein... I missed East a lot, but I was treated as part of the family."

"And, if you don't mind my asking, did you miss Reich?"

"Nein. I hated him, he was never a father to me!"

"Good," Soviet nodded, "You have a strong mind, West. East is very proud of you... She talks about you a lot."

"Does she?" Ger smiled brightly, eyes glittering with tears of love.

"All the time."

Now weeping with love and sentiment, Germany wrapped his arms around the USSR, who was taken aback, but returned the hug. After all, he was growing quite fond of the capitalist German.

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