Camping Trip ~(Jaspis)~

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⚠ Cussing, mentions of past abuse, panic attacks, violence, murder, yandere, gore, and I believe that's all. If I missed anything then please tell me in the comments.

(Not edited)

"Hey, Lapis~, Peridot!" Steven called his friends from the outside of the barn. In an instant the two gems were in front of him, greeting him with bright smiles before they were engulfed in a bear hug.

"Hey, Steven! How have you been?" Lapis asked while returning the hug just as tightly as Steven was holding her. "How's therapy going?" Peridot asked while looking up at Steven curiously, her arms were already securely around Steven's waist.

"I've been great! And therapy is going pretty well. My therapist actually told me that I should go create some new, fun memories in places like the ones I was traumatized in with my friends. Not to replace the bad memories, but to make it easier to go back into nature without the constant fear of dying while there!" Steven explained in his usual enthusiastic tone while they all pulled out of the hug.

"Oh, that sounds like a good idea. Kinda..." Lapis said, not really following the therapist's logic, though Steven seemed excited about it, so she was supportive. "Is that why you came here? Are we going to go on a trip with you?" Peridot asked excitedly with stars in her eyes.

"Yeah! Only if you guys want to, of course." Steven exclaimed happily. "Who's all going?" Lapis asked wearily while crossing her arms across her chest. "Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, Jasper, Connie, and Bismuth." Steven listed off the names on his fingers before looking back at his two friends.

"Jasper?!" Both Lapis and Peridot asked with shock and slight disgust in their tones. "Yeah... This camping thing isn't going to be just for me, it's also meant to be a bonding moment for all of us to be at least acquaintances with each other. So, if another gem like Spinel comes here then we'll be able to possibly fight them with no problems in our group." Steven explained while nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"No way. Steven, you know I care about you a lot and-" Lapis started to disagree with the trip, however, Peridot cut her off before she could finish. "Of course, we'll go! Lapis, I know you don't like Jasper, but we need to do this for Steven. He's done so much for us, we can do this one thing for him." She happily agreed to Steven before turning around and whispered the rest to Lapis.

"Awesome! Pack your bags and meet us at the beach in an hour." Steven stated while pointing his finger guns at the two women before he ran back over to his house with a large grin. "Come on! Let's go pack our bags!" Peridot repeated Steven while she walked into her home, taking Lapis's hand with her own and pulling her alongside herself into the barn.


"I think that's everyone! Are you all ready to go?" Steven asked with shining stars in his eyes while he looked over everyone that was packed inside his house. "Yeah, let's go!" Amethyst exclaimed while jumping onto the warp pad, beside Steven and Connie.

"Alright, we're going to Mask Island! We'll see you there!" Steven announced to everyone before he, Connie, Amethyst, Pear, and Garnet all warped away. The next round of people that went was Bismith, Peridot, Lapis, and Jasper who were all tightly cramped because of how muscular Bismith and Jasper are.

They were so tightly packed, that Jasper and Bismith had to keep their arms around Lapis and Peridot's waists to make sure they wouldn't fall out of the portal.

"I'm Bismith by the way, I don't think we've been properly introduced yet," Bismith greeted Jasper while holding her hand out for Jasper to take, which she reluctantly did. "I'm Jasper." She stated before smirking at how firm Bismith's handshake was.

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