R.) Roller Skating ~(BisPearl)~

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⚠ Cussing, possibly second-hand embarrassment, gay panic, and I believe that's all. If I missed anything then please tell me in the comment section! ⚠

(Not edited)

"So~, how's talking to the humans going? Do they enjoy the toilet paper?" Pearl asked hopefully after she stopped in front of Bismuth who was standing just outside of the rink, watching her with a soft, loving smile.

"It's going great! They love the toilet paper and my skating skills. I appreciate you for taking me here, this is all really nice." Bismuth answered happily with a bright smile that Pearl returned. "Oh, that's wonderful! I'm so glad you're enjoying it here." She exclaimed in joy while she lightly tapped her fingers together in excitement.

"I must ask, though. Is there a reason why you're over here alone? Are you in pain from the shoes? They can be a bit much to get used to," Pearl asked worriedly while she placed her hand on Bismuth's shoulder in concern.

"Haha, no. I'm alright, I'm just taking a small break to watch everyone else for a bit. I can join you though? If you'd like," She offered, to which Pearl lit up at the idea. "Oh, yes. Please do!" She answered before patiently waiting for Bismuth to re-enter the rink.

The moment they were both on the hardwood floor, Pearl took Bismuth's hand and began skating with her. "I don't remember the last time I've seen you so happy before," Bismuth observed as the two rolled around the rink.

"Oh! I'm not sure about that. I was absolutely ecstatic when I found out you were still alive and in Lion's mane!" Pearl countered while moving her shining star eyes up to Bismuth's. "That is true~" Bismuth agreed through a hearty laugh.

"I am truly happy you're back. I missed you a lot when you were gone," Pearl admitted with a bright blush taking over her features. "I missed you too. I missed everyone, really, but especially you." Bismuth stated before she lifted Pearl's hand up and spun her into her embrace.

"Oh, Bismuth! A warning next time would be greatly appreciated." Pearl giggled while she leaned against Bismuth's embrace heavily. Busmith held her firmly in her arms while they continued to roll in a circle around the rink.

"Sorry, lovely. I'll make sure to warn you next time. You just looked so cute, I just had to show you off to everyone," Bismuth boldly explained while she looked away from Pearl, too scared to see her reaction.

"Bismuth!" Pearl continued to giggle before Bismuth skated them both back off the rink, into a more secluded area. "Are you alright?" Pearl asked when Bismuth put her down on the ground. "Yeah! I'm great, I just didn't want you to be uncomfortable after I said that. Especially since I was holding you, I didn't want-" Bismuth's rambled rant was cut off by Pearl standing on her tip-toes and pecking her on the lips.

"O-oh! Oh my! I'm so sorry, that was meant to be on your cheek. I'm so sorry-" This time Pearl was the one to be cut off by Bismuth's lips on her cheek. "You're alright, Pearl. I don't mind," She instantly reassured, soothingly.

"Oh, but it's not! I'm so sorry, truly. I- I, oh my Stars." Pearl exclaimed while nervously tapping her fingers against her lips. "What if I kissed you? That way we would be even and you wouldn't have anything to worry about anymore?" Bismuth offered with a nervous shrug of her shoulders.

"Yes, please! I- I mean, it would make us fair," Pearl quickly accepted the offer before attempting to backpedal her enthusiasm with wide eyes. "Alright, Love." She laughed before bending down. She wrapped her left arm around Pearl's waist and gently held Pearl's face with her right hand.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" She asked while mere inches away from Pearl's lips. "Mhm, absolutely. It's the only way we'll be fair," Pearl answered in a whisper while she closed her eyes and slowly wrapped her arms around Bismuth's shoulders.

"Just making sure," She stated before finally capturing her lips with her own in a gentle, soft kiss that Pearl immediately reciprocated before they had to break apart for air. The moment they pulled apart, they stayed held one another in their embrace.

"Are you okay?" Bismuth was the first to speak after she pulled back only enough so they could look one another in the eyes. "More than okay," Pearl answered while finally opening her eyes that were singing brightly with stars.

"That's good. How about we get everyone and head on back home?" Bismuth suggested with a soft smile. "Oh, yes! That is a good idea," Pearl agreed excitedly before she called over Steven and Connie to get back to the car.

Once they got into the car Pearl kept her eyes on the road along with her hands on the wheel. However, before they pulled out of the parking lot, she took Bismuth's hand and moved it to her own leg. They both smiled softly while Bismuth rubbed soft shapes with her thumb on Pearl's knee and lower thigh.

By the time they got home, everyone was exhausted. So, Connie and Steven went to sleep while the crystal gems went to their own rooms, Bismuth went into Pearl's room with her. She introduced Bismuth to TV where she showed her favorite show that Steven introduced to her.

While they watched the show, Pearl leaned against Bismuth's shoulder which ended up with them properly cuddling together until morning.
1,000 words.

I'm really sorry this one is so short and probably horribly written. The prompt was not descriptive enough, so I didn't really know where to go with this, I'm sorry. I hope you still enjoyed it though! ♡♡♡

Please always remember that I love you all and that I hope all you guys, gals, and non-binary pals have a lovely rest of your morning/afternoon/night!!! \(◍•ᴗ•◍)/❤

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