Dance Class ~(Jaspis)~

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⚠ Cussing, mentions of past abusive relationships, mentions of past abuse of all kinds, and I believe that's all. If I missed anything then please tell me in the comments! ⚠

(Not edited)

"Alright, everyone! Today we're having an extra special class where we're going to teach everyone how to dance! What types of dance? You may ask, and I will answer. Ballroom dancing is what we're learning! Why? You may ask, and again I will answer. That's because Beach City is having our first-ever ballroom party next week!" Steven announced happily to the town he had rallied at the beach.

Instantly the beach lit up with excited chatter about what everyone would wear and who they would want to take. "The exact date is February 14th, at 8 pm! I hope to see you all there! For now, though, please head back to the school and partner up! The dancing classes will begin by our lovely, amazing, teaching... Pearl!" Steven instructed excitedly before everyone got off the beach and went to the Crystal Gem school.

Once there, everyone filed into a large building they had just finished making that was a lot like a human school gymnasium. However, this building was a lot less stuffy because all the walls and ceilings were made out of ultra-industrial glass.

By the time everyone was inside and paired up, the only two people left out of every one were Jasper and Lapis. Amythest had already claimed Peridot as her dance partner, so Lapis had no other option other than to go with Jasper.

"Attention. Attention, please, everyone!" Pearl exclaimed softly while waving her hand to the crowd after Garnet had picked her up and placed her on her shoulders, making her easy for everyone to see.

"The first rule to ballroom dancing is hand placement. The person who's leading will put their left hand on the follower's waist while the follower will put their arm on the leader's shoulder. Both of your free hands will intertwine with one another." She explained and demonstrated with Garnet after they both floated in the air, above everyone.

Neither gem said anything to the other, instead they simply followed Pearl's instructions without looking at each other. Lapis did her absolute best to not look at Jasper, she kept her head down and tried her best to not think too much about how perfectly Jasper's hand wrapped around her waist. Jasper kept her eyes on everyone else, looking to make sure no one was looking at them - judging them in any way.

"Now, the next step is to memorize the repetition pattern your feet will go in. The leader's right foot will go forward first while the followers will go back with both of their feet, one at a time. The follower will then take their right foot and step right, the lead will now follow while also stepping back with their other foot. When they step back, the follower will step forward, and you will repeat that cycle." Pearl attempted to explain the Waltz while demonstrating each step she spoke.

"You will hold one another firmly and repeat that one motion in a small circle. The leader will decide where you will go in the circle, so, as the follower, you will have to simply turn off your brain and follow blindly to their motions. If you do not mindlessly follow then you will overthink the steps and mess up." She continued to explain before she and Garnet lowered themselves back down to the ground.

Eventually, everyone began their attempts at the simple steps. Cursing and yelps of pain from the feeling of gems accidentally stepping on one another's feet filled the building, alongside the soft music that had been playing the entire time.

After several minutes, when the majority of everyone seemed to have gotten the hang of it, Pearl began to speak once again.

"The last step you all will need to know for now is how to spin someone in a natural way. As in a way that won't stop the smoothness of your dance. To do this, the leader will have to pay attention to the follower. While the follower takes a step to the right, you will position your foot at an angle, allowing you to spin before stepping right back in time with the dance, flawlessly." Pearl stated happily while once again demonstrating the move.

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