chapter twenty-third

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Daja's pov

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Daja's pov

My favorite part of the twins birthday is waking them up at midnight to say happy birthday. Some people send texts, others post on social media, but I spam phone calls.

So when I called Ashton at midnight last night, I expected her to be dead asleep. Not wine drunk and wide awake dancin' on her couch next to a woman I coudn't see in the background.

I was confused as hell 'cause I swore she went to dinner with that Jolie girl and she was stressin' out about that, there's no way that's how this ended up.

I figured she was havin' a good night so I just left her to it. What I did not expect was for that woman to still be in her house when Rell and I got there this mornin'.

This woman was hot as fuck.

I found myself feeling hot at the mere sight of her. It's not fair that some girls get blessed with the best the world has to offer.

I was even more confused, 'cause why the hell this girl in Ashton's house and why is she wearing Ash's clothes?

'Fuuuck, Ti musta had a good ass night... I hope she wrapped up'

"Who are you and whatchu doing in this house?" I asked as Rell shut the door behind us.

"Hello, my name is Joliè Cartier, I am Ashton's friend"
She replied with a smile and a hand out.

I missed whatever the fuck came after Jolie because I was so shocked at the voice that came out of this woman. This woman spoke with the softness of a kitten and a silkiness of Sutton and I's... Well... Don't worry your pretty lil head about that.

"I'm Daja, nice to meet you" I replied as she kissed both my cheeks before looking to Rell.

"Aye, I'm Rell, we're Ash's best friends. She here?"
Rell asked after his initial greeting.

"Non, no she is with her mother I believe. It is so nice to finally meet you two. Ashton has told me so much about you both"
She said offering Rell her hand and kissing his cheeks.

"It's really nice to meet you too. Ash was ravin' about you" I smiled and looked over the woman from head to toe.

"You're a hot ass woman, do people tell you that all the time? Like girl you could model" I said hoping that I was hiding my eagerness about asking but I had to know.

Rell side-eyed me like I was crazy while Jolie just laughed at my question.

"I do get that quite often. Thank you, I appreciate your kind words" She grinned and blushed as kept her attention between us both.

"So Ash left you here alone or?"

"Yes, erm, her mother woke us this morning and mentioned something about a workout?" She responded, but it was more a question then a final statement.

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