Episode 2: Welcome Neighbor!!!

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"What?" DogDay exclaimed, "Oh its my alarm clock hehe". The alarm was blinking 9:00am. Yawn. DoDday sat up, got out of bed and stretched. "Another beautiful day". DogDay said to himself looking out his window. He continued to walk into the kitchen and started the kettle to make some tea. "Hm I wonder what I'm gonna do today?" DogDay thought to himself. "Oh wait" DogDay realized, "I should go greet the new neighbor, I didn't really give myself a proper introduction yesterday morning". The kettle started whistling, the tea was ready. After eating breakfast, DogDay took a bath and got ready to go visit the new neighbor. While leaving his house DogDay thought "Maybe I should tell the others about the new neighbor. We all can go and give a friendly neighborly welcome". DogDay quickly made his way to Hoppy's house, hers was the closest, but when he knocked nobody answered. "Hm she must be out" Dogday thought. He then went to Bubba's, but no one was there, then went to Picky's but she wasn't at her house either.

DogDay started to get worried until he saw Bobby and Crafty walking together outside Crafty's house. "Hey you guys, good morning" DogDay greeted. "Good morning DogDay. How are you? You look nervous," Bobby said. "Yes, well I cant find Bubba or Hoppy anywhere, have either of you seen them?" Dogday asked. "Oh yes, Bubba, Kickin, Picky, and Hoppy left to go to Lovely Lake this morning" Bobby replied. "Really, why?", DogDay asked. "Well Picky wanted to go there to pick mushrooms that grew around the lake and asked Bubba to come to help her pick the ones that were safe to eat and not the ones that make you sick. Kicken and Hoppy went because they wanted to have swimming competition to see who can do more laps around the lake faster, hehe", Crafty replied laughing a little. "Oh, haha those two are always competing. Thank you both for telling me" Dogday said relieved. "Is everything okay" Crafty asked. "Oh yes, everything is fine, a new neighbor moved in next to me and I was hoping everyone would want to come with me and give him a warm neighborly welcome" Dogday said happily. "A new neighbor moved in?!" Bobby and Crafty asked excitedly. "Yeap" DogDay replied excitedly. "Of course we'll come, but me and Crafty aren't sure when the others will be back" Bobby said sadly. "That's alright, in the meantime maybe the three of us can welcome him?", DogDay exclaimed. "Yeah definitely. We shoud give him a welcome home gift" Bobby said. "That's a great idea. I can make him my homemade buttery biscuits" DogDay exclaimed. "Ill make him a card" Crafty corn cheerfully said. "I'll go pick some wild flowers at melody meadows to give to him" Bobby said happily. "Awesome, so let's all meet back here in an hour with our gifts and walk together to meet our new neighbor" DogDay said happily. "Right" Crafty and Bobby said together. "By the way what is our new neighbors name?" Crafty asked. "I believe it's CatNap", DogDay said. "Aww what a cute name" Bobby said. "Yeah, I am so excited" Crafty exclaimed. The three of them then split and went to go get their gifts.

*1 hour later*

The three critters reunited in front of Crafty's house. "I got the biscuits" DogDay happily barked. "I got the flowers" Bobby said cheerfully. "I got the card" Crafty squeaked. "Let's go!". While walking over to CatNap's house Crafty showed the card to Bobby and Dogday, it was beautiful. The card had all of the smiling critters holding hands and a big "Welcome" was written above them all. Bobby showed the flowers she picked, they were all of a different variety of wild flowers, tulips, lavender, daisy's, and roses. DogDay showed them the biscuits he made, they were still steaming a little in the container, they looked all crispy and glazed.  Each one of them complemented each others gifts while walking. Once they all got to CatNaps house they approached the front door. CatNaps house looked like it was placed on top of this woolen purple column and the only way to enter is through the door attached to it. DogDay, nervously shaking a little knocked on the blue door that had crescant moon window on it. It was silent for a few moments until they heard what sounded like footsteps coming down from within the column, the door opened.

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