Episode 4: The Scent of Lavender (Part 2 of 2)

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Hello everyone I hope you all liked the series so far, I am aware my vocabulary and grammar aren't the best, I'll do my best to correct it in future episodes. I'll also make sure that the content of the series is more comprehensive and well thought out. Also feel free to provide some feedback in the comment section. I hope you all enjoy :).

This is an image I constructed that resembles critter village, I hope you all like it!!

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This is an image I constructed that resembles critter village, I hope you all like it!!

*Parts of these images were not created by me. I would like to thank Adobestock and Mob Entertainment for making parts of these images they're amazing!!!*

This episode continues from the end of episode 3 "The Scent of Lavender (Part 1 of 2)". However, this part will be different because it will be coming from the POV of Dogday.

Once we arrived to Catnap's house he opened the door for me. I entered, looked up, and saw a spiraling staircase leading up to what looks like a door. CatNap and I started up the stairs and once we reached the top CatNap opened the door and led me in. The door led to what looks like a living area. I looked around gazing around the room, CatNap kept his house very tidy, "Welcome" he said, proceeding to place down the vase of wild flowers on the coffee table.

"Your house looks very nice" I said smiling. "Thank you, cmon lemme show you to the kitchen Ill get some cookies and make some tea", he mumbled smiling. "Awesome, thank you", I smiled. Following Catnap we entered the kitchen, it looked very tidy but there were a few boxes that werent unpacked yet. I sat down at the table while CatNap started the kettle. I saw him placing the lavender he picked on the counter and proceeded to open a cabinet above the counter and saw him grab some cookies in a jar. Right next to it I saw a container of the biscuits I gave him , there were only a few left. I smiled, "I'm glad he likes them", I thought to myself. But then I remembered that I saw him hugging Bobby, this made me a little sad. "Why am I getting sad?" I thought to myself looking down at the table.

"Here, have some cookies, maybe they'll help you feel a little better". I looked up and saw that CatNap smiling softly was holding out a plate of cookies. "Thank you" I said taking the plate, smiling softly "But i'm fine im not sad, i'm okay". CatNap was about to say something when suddenly the kettle began whistling, "I'll go get the tea", he said. I looked over at CatNap and saw him turning off the kettle and removing the lavender buds from each of the plants and placing it in a small jar. He then poured some water in two cups and put a few buds in each one of them. He sat down with the two cups, "There we should let the tea sit for a little so we won't burn our mouths", he said while taking a cookie and eating it.

"How was your day?", he asked . "It was fine I went and flew my kite and played hide n' seek with Hoppy and Kicken". "Hoppy and Kicken?", he asked. "Oh that's right you haven't met them yet, you only met me, Crafty and Bobby. Well those are a few of the neighbors you haven't met; there's Kicken Chicken, Picky Piggy, Hoppy Hopscotch, and Bubba Bubbaphant. They're all really nice you'll love them", I said excitedly. "They all sound really nice, I'm sure I'll like them", he said smiling. "How was your day?", I asked. "It was nice, I ran out of lavender buds for my tea so I went ot Bobby and asked her where I can find some because I saw some in the mix of flowers she gave me". CatNap proceeded to talk about his day with Bobby and for some reason I was getting even more sad, I started gazing down to at the table. Until suddenly I realized he stopped talking to me I looked back up and saw CatNap looking sad. He placed his hand on my shoulder, "Hey are you sure everything is alright? If you want to talk about it i'm here". I replied faking a smile, "Oh it's alright, i'm kind of tired, thats all", proceeding to take a bite out of a cookie. "Mmmmm, these cookies are delicious" I barked wagging my tale. CatNap smiled , "Thank you, I'm really glad you like it. If you want I can give you the recipe so you can make them", he said. "Yes, thank you so much" I said smiling. "I'll get you the recipe, before you leave, he said biting down on a cookie. We continued to chat a little and drinking our tea, and eating a few cookies before we finished.

CatNap got up, "I haven't unpacked all of my stuff, including my recipes, he said. "Now which box did I keep my recipes in?" he asked himself outloud rubbing his chin. "If you want I can help you", I said standing up. "Yes that sounds great, thank you. Wait I remember, they should be in one of the boxes in the living room". CatNap led me to the living area where there were three unopened boxes on the ground. "My recipes should be in one of these" he said kneeling down. "I'll check this one can you check one of the others?". "Yeap" I barked sticking my tongue. I knelt down and started going through one of the boxes. So far I saw some toys, some drawings, a few plushies, and some books. I continued going through the box for a few minutes, until I suddenly stopped. In the box I saw a few framed photos of CatNap. One of the photos were of him sitting on the ground at the beach, another on a rock, another was of him laying on a tree branch sleeping soundly. "He looks so cute sleeping on there", I thought to myself blushing. "I found it", a voice said. I looked up and saw CatNap walking towards me holding a piece of paper. "Here you go" he said smiling while holding out the paper. He crooked his head a little, "Um DogDay are you getting hot, your face is red a little? I can open a window if you'd like", he asked. I jumbed up not realizing that I was blushing, "Oh yes I'm fine, no need", I said chuckling nervously. I felt my face cool down and I took the paper from CatNap, "Thank you so much CatNap!", I said cheerfully. "Of course", he said smiling faintly.

We both looked around at the stuff we took out of the boxes and set on the floor, "Boy did we make a mess", I thought to myself. "Wow... what a mess", CatNap said. "Yeah, I'm sorry I shouldn't have put so much stuff on the ground", I said looking a little sad with my ears down. "It's okay, I made a mess too, also this stuff had to come out of those boxes anyway" CatNap said smiling. I looked up and smiled back. "I'm gonna start putting this stuff away" CatNap said. "Hey lemme help you" I said while picking some of his books up from the ground. "Thank you" he replied. We both started cleaning up the stuff we put on the floor and started placing them where they needed to go around the house. After we were done, the living area was even more clean than when we got here. We were both tired, I looked at the time it was 5:00pm. "Well I think I better get home", I said. "Alright I'll walk you out" he said.

Once we got outside the house I looked around the sun was going down, it looked so pretty. While gazing at the sunset, CatNap suddenly hugged me, making me tense up, "As I said if you ever need anything or want to talk, I'm here for you DogDay. Thank you for helping me unpack and welcoming me here, you're a good friend". I could feel myself starting to blush, "Of course, if you every need anything I'm here for you too", I said hugging him back. He felt so soft and he smelled of lavender, that made me feel so relaxed. After we let go I could feel myself starting to blush,"Goodbye, have a goodnight", I said quickly before walking toward my house. "Goodbye, have a goodnight" CatNap replied before going back into his house. I could feel my face burning as I made my way inside my house. I went to my bathroom and looked in the mirror, my face that was once a bright orange was now red as a tomato. I could feel my heart thumping hard in my chest, "What is this?", I asked myself shaking. I widened my eyes still looking at myself in the mirror, "I've never felt this way before. Could this be...love?".

Hey everyone I hope you all liked the second part of "The scent of Lavender"!!! I will be posting the next episode on Tuesday (3/19). I hope you all have a great weekend!!!

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