Episode 5: Hide-and-Sleep

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Hey everyone in this episode CatNap will finally be meeting Kickin Chicken and Hoppy Hopscotch. This episode won't be told from anyones pov, rather it'll be told from third person. I hope you all enjoy!!!!

This episode takes place next day after episodes 3 and 4.

"Cmon let's go" Hoppy says while running towards the signpost with Kicken following behind her. It's bright and sunny outside with a few clouds in the sky. "Alright what should we do today?" Hoppy asks. "Hmmmm..., I know let's race to the giant oak tree in Melody Meadows" Kicken replies excitedly. "Oh really, I'm surprised you would say that Kicken", Hoppy says. "Why's that" he replied. Hoppy chuckled "Well everytime we race I always win. I'm fast as lightening!" Hoppy says pointing to her lightening bolt pendant. "Ha, not this time", Kicken replied confidentally, "I've been training". "Alright, game on then" Hoppy said.

*Hoppy and Kicken are know to be very competitve with one another but that just strengthens the friendship they have.*

After doing a few stretches Hoppy and Kicken stood right next to one another getting ready run. "Alright we will race from the signpost to the big oak tree in Melody Meadows", Hoppy says while trecthing. "On my count. Three...two...one...!". And they were off running down the trail. At first Hoppy had the lead but suddenly Kicken was running right by her side. "Wow, you have gotten fast", Hoppy complimented while running, "Yeap, I have" Kicken replied smiling. They continued running for a few more seconds until they saw the oak tree come into view. Immediately both of them used whatever energy they had left and sped up to the tree, they both immediately placed their hand on the trunk. "Ha I'm first" they said together, "What? No I'm first" they said together again. They both continued debating on who was first until they heard someone purring.

"purr...purr...purr". They both stopped talking, "What is that noise?" Kicken ask confusingly, while looking. "I don't know", Hoppy replied, "It sounds like purring". They both were looking around to see where that noise was coming from. "It couldn't be the wind here because it's not windy and the sound it makes doesn't usually sound like this", Kicken says still looking. Hoppy looks up at the tree and notices something in it, someone was layong on the large branch. "Hey, look", Hoppy says pointing up, "There's someone up there". "Who is that?", Kicken says. The sleeping figure on the branch has purple fur, a long tail that it wrapped itself in, and he was wearing a golden pendant shaped like a crescant moon. Kicken looked closely at CatNap and noticed the crescant moon pendant laying half-way off the branch. "Wait, I think that's our new neighbor CatNap", Kicken exclaimed, "I remember Bobby told us that CatNap had purple fur, a long tail, and that he wore a crescant moon pendant". "Oh yeah I remember now", Hoppy exclaims, "Wow Kicken you have a great memory!". "Yeah, I know", Kicken replies proudly smiling. "Hey CatNap would you like to play with us", Hoppy shouts. CatNap, half asleep doesn't respond. "Cmon CatNap, it'll be fun and we're really excitedly to get to know you", Kicken says. CatNap slowly opens his eyes, looks over at Hoppy and Kicken, and gives them a nod. He sits up from laying on his stomach, wraps his tail around the branch and lowered himself onto the ground.

"Hello it's so nice to meet you CatNap, we're gonna have so much fun today"!, Kicken says. CatNap, in response smiles and gives both of them a head nod. "Not much of a talker huh?", Hoppy says. In response CatNap shrugged his shoulders. "That's okay. By the way, we loved the cookies you made for us, they were delicious!" Hoppy said. "Yeah, wow I never had any cookie that delicious" Kicken exclaimed, "Picky especially liked them, she was gobbling them up. Haha". CatNap blushed a little and nodded his head. Hoppy and Kicken began to think about what game they should all play. "We could play tag" Hoppy suggested, CatNap smiled shook his head. "What about duck-duck-goose", Kicken suggested, CatNap shook his head again. "Frisbee, monkey in the middle, hopscotch?", Kicken and Hoppy suggested, CatNap shook his head again. "I know we could play hide-n-seek" Kicken suggested, CatNap nodded his head in agreement. "Awesome! I love hide-n-seek!", Kicken exclaims.  Cool, so the rules are that you have to hide in Melody Meadows and once you're found you have to help the seeker",Hoppy said. "So who will be the seeker first?". CatNap raised his hand volunteering to seek first. "Alright, CatNap, so count to twenty seconds while Kicken and I hide", Hoppy said. CatNap nodded in agreement, and then sat down covered his eyes and began to count in his head.

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