Episode 6: I'm Berry Excited!!!

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It was a bright and sunny day and DogDay, Bubba and Picky were at DogDay's house watching TV. Picky looked out the window, "Boy it's a beautiful day". "Yeah it's all bright and warm. We should all go for a walk, it'll be nice to get some fresh air " Dogday suggested. "That sounds like a great idea," Bubba replied. Bubba got up and turned off the television and the three critters left DogDay's house. While walking down the path from DogDay's house Picky looked over to CatNap's house and said "Wait you guys...I actually want to do something nice for CatNap. I haven't met him yet and I really want to". DogDay and Bubba stopped, "Yeah me too, I haven't officially met him either", Bubba looked down a little dissapointed. "That's alright both of you. If you want I can introduce you to him now if you'd like?", DogDay replied. "That sounds great! Thank you DogDay, but first I want to give him something nice. He made us those delicious cookies and I want to make him something yummy", Picky said insistantly. "Yeah, me too", Bubba agreed. "Aww that's so nice of you both. I want to do that to.", DogDay said smiling. "So what did you both want to make?". Picky and Bubba both thought for a moment, "Oh I know we could make him a pie", Bubba suggested. "Yes!" Picky agreed, "Lets make him my special homemade blueberry pie!". "That's a wonderful idea!", DogDay barked. They all headed to Picky's house.

"Wait". Everybody stopped. " I don't have all the ingrediants for my blueberry pie", Picky said sadly. "What's missing?", Bubba asked. "We need fresh blueberries to make it and I don't have any at home". "Aww", Bubba said looking down. "Wait!", Bubba shouted looking back up, "I think I remember seeing blueberries growing near Lively Lake when we went to pick some mushrooms before". "Awesome, let's go and check it out you guys", Picky declared. "But before we go, let's head to my house. I want to get a basket so we can keep the berries in". "Good idea Picky" DogDay said. The three crittters quickly stopped at Picky's house, Picky got her basket and the three made their way to the signpost. Picky, Bubba, and DogDay walked down the trail passing Melody Meadows to get to Lively Lake. 

*Lively lake is a  beautiful clear blue lake with a giant water fall that runs above it. Around the lake are a few bushes and trees, and there is a giant open space of grass that surrounds it.

Once the three critters arrived to Lively Lake they all stopped walking. They could hear the waterfall crashing down and feel the breeze from the wind, with the sun lighting up the sky. "Okay if I remember correctly, I think I saw the blueberries growing in a bush underneath a dark oak tree right around here", Bubba said. The critters split up and began searching. A few minutes go by until  Picky yells "Hey you guys, over here".  DogDay and Bubba  looked up from where they were searching and ran towards the direction to where Picky yelled. Both of them arrived and saw Picky kneeling down looking into some bushes that were beneath a dark oak tree. Picky looked up, "I found them you guys!". "Great job Picky!", DogDay exclaimed. The three critter began picking and eating some of the blueberries, "Mmmmm, these are so good", DogDay barked. "Yeah, these are perfect for the pie", Picky said joyfully. Once the basket was full of blueberries they made their way back to Critter Village, to Picky's house.

*Picky's house was a red barn, on the outside there's a walkway that lead to the front door, and surrounded by it was mud.*

When they arrived to Picky's house they all went inside. They found themselves inside Picky's living room. There's a sofa and a few bean bag chairs that were stuffed with hay. There is also a big coffee table in the center of the room and across from the sofa was the television. The three critters walked into Picky's kitchen. Her kitchen had  wooden cabinets, chairs, and a table. However the chair cushions were stuffed with hay giving it a cushiony seat. Also above the sink Picky had a clock shaped like an apple. 

"Alright let's start baking", DogDay said excitedly. "Yeah", Bubba and Picky shouted together. "Alright Bubba and I will make the crust", DogDay exclaimed. "I'll make the filling", Picky said. The three critters began to gather the ingrediants from the cabinets and started mixing everything. 

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