Episode 3: The scent of Lavender (Part 1 of 2)

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Hey everyone I hope y'all are liking the stories, I know I haven't been submitting any images I'm trying to work on them but I am not too good at art or editing. Tbh I do t even know what platform to use. Can y'all give some suggestions if there are any good free platforms, thanks!!!!

Hey everyone today's episode will be told from CatNap's pov and it'll be in first person I usually do third but imma try doing an episode through first.

This is a few days after episode 2.

CatNap pov:

Opening my eyes I see the ceiling staring above me. "Ughhmmm" I groaned to myself, I don't want to get up yet. I look at my time and saw that it's 10:00am. I'll make some tea and have one of the biscuits DogDay made for me.

*CatNaps room is round. His bed he sleeps in a giant round purple catbed. On his ceiling there are glow in the dark stars and in the center a giant glowing moon.*

I get up and stretch a little before I made my way out of the room. "Yawwwn". I go into the kitchen passing the living area, where I kept the flowers Bobby gave me in a vase. I haven't really been out of the house since I moved here, mainly just to clean up the outside. I opened the cupboard and browsed through all my selections of tea. "I'll go with lavender", I thought. I opened the jar and realized it's empty. "Awww", I said annoyingly. "Now I gotta go out and get some lavender flower buds. But where do they grow?", I thought. "The only lavender i have were the ones I brought with me here".  I grabbed one of the biscuits Dogday made for me and left the kitchen.

I groaned and walked into the living area and sat on the couch, I looked over at the flowers in the vase and jumped up. "Wait, those flowers...". I noticed that there were a few lavenders in the mix of the wild flowers. "That's how I'll get them", I thought to myself. I jumped up and proceeded my way to the stairs. "Wait, where did Bobby pick those?" I thought to myself. "Hmmm. Maybe I can go ask her". I grabbed the vase of flowers and made my way to Bobby's.

*Skipping to when Catnap gets to Bobby Bearhugs house*

I walk up to Bobby's house, her house looks like a giant beehive. I lightly knock on her door, it swings open and there stands Bobby smiling. Bobby is red and it looks like she wears a heart pendant around her neck like I wear a crescant moon around mine. "Hello Catnap" Bobby says. "How are you?!". I stay silent, I give a thumbs up awkwardly, I don't like talking much. "It's nice to see you're well. What can I do you for?". I hold the vase and point to the flowers and point to them. Oh, are those the flowers I gave you?". I nodded my head. "Hmmm, were you looking for more?". I nod my head again. "Of course!!!! Cmon lemme show ya where I got them!!". Bobby grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards a sign post, I remember this was the sign post I passed when I first moved here.

When we arrived to the post, I saw that on it, it had five arrow shaped signs pointing in different directions. Bobby let go of my hand and pointed at one of the signs.
"CatNap that sign, "Melody meadows", is where I got those flowers. Cmon let's go there, I'll help you pick some!", she smiled cheerfully. I gave a weak smile back and she grabbed my hand again and started running down a path to where the sign pointed.

"We're here!" Bobby yelled cheerfully. I looked around and gazed around the beautiful meadow. There were tons of wild flowers spread everywhere mixed in with the green grass. I looked to my side and saw down further there was a giant oak tree, it was beautiful. "Beautiful huh" she smiled. I nodded my head still gazing. "Well cmon let's pick us some flowers". I held out the vase that was still in my hand and pointed at the lavender in it. "Oh you're looking for the lavender?". I nodded my head. "Yes, there's a big patch just up ahead, that's where I picked them. By the way, why do you want lavender you smell so nice of it" she smiled. I gestured myself sipping a cup of tea. "Oh you like to drink it with tea?". I nodded my head. "Awesome, I love tea too!".

"Cmon" she said happily. Bobby started running, I followed. We were running for a few moments before I noticed that we were heading for a giant patch of purple on the ground. When we got closer I saw that it was lavender. We stopped. "Tada!" Bobby said cheerfully. I gazed around at all the lavender on the ground, it was beautiful, not just the image of it but the scent as well. "The scent of these lavenders makes me feel so relaxed", Bobby said calmingly. I smiled and started picking some, Bobby joined in and helped me. Once we got a good amount we made our way back to Critter Village.

While leaving Melody Meadows I stopped and saw a rose on the ground, I bent down and picked it up. "Bobby smells like roses, I'll give this to Bobby as a thank you present for helping me" I thought to myself. I looked back up and saw Bobby ahead of me, she mustn't have realized I stopped. I sped up to her and tapped her on the shoulder from behind. She stopped and I held out the rose. She looked at it and started smiled so happily. " Aww thank you so much CatNap you're so sweet. You're an amazing friend!". I blushed and she gave me a big hug and squeezed me. "I'm glad she likes it", I thought.
"Oh hey guys!, someone shouted. I looked to the right still embraced by Bobby's hug and saw Dogday about 10 feet away from us he looked kinda nervous but it looked like he was trying to hide it.

Bobby let go and turned around, "Oh Dogday it's so nice to see you. How are you?", Bobby said. "Im fine", he chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head with his right hand. " What're you guys up to" he asked nervously. "I was helping Catnap pick some lavender for his tea". Dogday looked at me and smiled and looked back at Bobby, "Well that was really nice of you Bobby", he chuckled again nervously. "What're you doing here DogDay?" Bobby asked. Dogday tensed up a bit looking at me a little blushing and said "Oh, I was just going out for a walk". "It's a nice day for a walk isn't it. Oh yeah and look Catnap gave me this rose" she said holding the rose out. Dogday looked at it, he was smiling but for some reason in his eyes it looked like he was kind of hurt. " That's really nice of you to give to Bobby, Catnap" DogDay said, "Well are you guys heading back?". We both nodded our heads. "Well let's all three of us walk back together", he said smiling. We all agreed and made our way back to Critter Village.

Once we got back to Critter Village we went to Bobby's house to say goodbye. "Today was fun CatNap, thank you so much for the rose" she said smiling. I nodded my head smiling. " Thank you for helping me" I said mumbling silently that almost no one can hear it, but Bobby surely did. Bobby smile became so wide and she gave me a big hug, "Of course, anytime". I saw DogDay tense up a little, still smiling but again in his eyes it looked like he was kind of hurt. Me and DogDay said our goodbyes to Bobby and made our way to our houses.

While walking DogDay started talking. "It's nice to see you and Bobby are getting close". "Yeah she is really nice" I whispered.
"So do you like her" he asked quickly. "Yeah I like her she's nice", I replied. "Bobby is a really nice friend" I thought to myself "Of course I like her".
I looked over at DogDay, he looked sad. "Is something wrong DogDay?", I asked. Dogday tensed up and looked at me smiling weakly, "Oh yes I'm fine". I looked in the corner of my eye and noticed his tail wasn't wagging. Seeing that hurt look in DogDay's eye made me feel, so sad. "Maybe if I invite him to tea he might feel a little better", thought to myself.
"DogDay would you like to come to my place for some tea and cookies", I asked softly. " Um sure if that's alright". We made our way to my house and I led DogDay inside.

To be continued....

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this episode. The next one would proceed with Catnap and Dogday entering catnaps house. I was going to include that part, but I feel like that would be two whole episode in one so imma just split it. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this one!!!

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