Episode 10: Ribby

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Hey everyone I hope you're doing well!! I am sorry again for this late episode, I know I said I would've posted it by the end of last week but I've been very busy. Thank you all for following the series, I hope you all enjoy this episode!!!

*This episode will be told in third person*

It's a bright and somewhat cloudy day and Crafty is in front of Bubba's house, waiting for Bubba to come out so they can go feed the fish. "Hey Bubba are you ready!", Picky yelled. A voice yells on the other side, "Yeah I'll be out in a minute, I just need to get the fish food!", he replies. "Alright i'll just be out here then", Picky yells back. A few minutes go by and Bubba comes out holding a can of fish food in one hand and an empty jar in the other. "Well i'm ready", Bubba say cheerfully. "Do you have everything you need Picky?", he asked. "Yeah I do. I have some fish food in this bucket", Picky replies holding up the small bucket full of worms and plants. "Alrighty then lets go", Bubba declares. The two begin walking towards the signpost. "Oh boy I cant wait to see the fish. I haven't seen them in a while, we all usually take turns to feed the fish and I haven't had much time to see them", Picky exclaims. "Yeah and I'm excited too because I want to catch some tadpoles while we're there". The two continue walking towards the signpost before they hear a voice shout at them.

"Hey what're you guys doing!", a voice yells from behind them. Both of them turn around and see Bobby and Crafty running towards them. "Hey Crafty and Bobby", Bubba says waving to them. "Picky and I are going to Pal Pond". "Nice, what're guys gonna do over there?", asks Bobby. "Picky wants to go feed the fish and I want to go catch some tadpoles to bring back", Bubba replies. "Sounds fun can we come along", Crafty asks. "Sure, I don't see why not", Bubba chuckled. "Awesome, we'll be right back in a sec don't move", Crafty squeaked while running away. "I just need to go get my stechbook and pencils", Crafty says while running. "Alright, don't rush yourself Crafty", Bubba chuckled.

*A few minutes go by before Crafty returns with her supplies.*

"Alrighty, let's go", Crafty cheerfully said. The critters turned right and made their way for Pal Pond. While walking the critters began talking. "Hey so what are the others doing?", Picky asked. "Well, Kicken and Hoppy are playing a boardgame at Kicken's house and DogDay said he was planning a surprise for us. But I don't know what CatNaps doing though", Bobby replied. "CatNap's probably doing his own thing. He likes to spend a lot of time alone", Bubba replied. "What's the surprise DogDay is planning for us?", Picky asked. "I'm not sure, when we asked him he said that we had to wait and see", Bobby replied. "It must be big if DogDay is doing it by himself", Bubba exclaims. "I can't wait to see what the surprise is", Picky said excitedly. "Me too, I wonder what it is", Crafty said curiously. "I bet it's a party he's throwing for all of us", Picky said. The three critters continued talking until they arrived at Pal Pond.

*Pal pond is a  pond with clear blue water that has a few lily pads in the water. There are a few marginal plants that surround it and grow out of the water. Around the pond there are rocks,  bushes, a few trees, and a wooden bench that could fit two people. Living inside the pond are colorful fish, tadpoles and frogs.*

The critters arrived at Pal Pond and Crafty immediately ran towards the pond. "Look at all the colorful fish", Crafty said excitedly while taking out her sketchbook and sitting on the bench. Picky and Bobby gazed at the fish for a few seconds before taking out the fish food. Bubba walked a little ways down the pond and knelt down at the edge to look for tadpoles. "Wow these fish sure are hungry", Picky chuckled while throwing the food into the pond. Every handful of fish food she threw, the fish gobbled it up within a second. While Picky and Bobby are feeding the fish Bubba was further down the pond trying to catch some tadpoles. "Cmon!!", Bubba muttered. Bubba scooped the water with the clear jar but he didn't catch anything. "No!", Bubba said sadly. "What am I doing wrong?", Bubba thought. Bubba continued and tried different ways to catch them. He quietly snuck up on them, he tried to corner them, but still remained unsucessful. While he is doing that Crafty was drawing a picture of the pond with the fish in it. "Hmm now I gotta add the rocks and plants in around the pond", Crafty thought to herself.

*30 minutes later*

"Well that's the last of the fish food", Bobby says. "These fish look so beautiful", Bobby said gazing at the fish. "I love the bright colors of their scales!". "Feeding these fish has made me hungry", Picky chuckled. "Don't worry Picky we'll get some food when we go back", Bobby said. Suddenly both of the critters heard someone yell, "WHY CANT I CATCH ANY?!". Picky and Bobby ran towards the voice and saw Bubba sitting on the ground with his head down. "Hey Bubba what's wrong?", Bobby asked quietly. Bubba sighed and looked up at them, "I can't catch any tadpoles. I keep trying and trying but none of them will go into the jar". Bubba looked back down at the jar, tearing up a little. Bobby and Picky sat next to him and looked down at the empty jar. "I'm sorry Bubba", Bobby mumbled". "We'll help you try and catch one", Picky offered. "I dont think it'll work. I tried every way I can think of and I still couldn't catch one", Bubba replied. Bobby and Picky sat down and hugged Bubba, "Let's try and catch one together and even if we can't, we'll try again tomorrow", Bobby said encouragingly. Bubba smiled softly, "Thanks both of you".

Bubba, Picky, and Bobby spent the rest of the time at the pond trying to catch tadpoles, but unfortunately they weren't able to catch any. "Oh rats, they got away again", Bobby said. Bubba stood up, "Thank you both for helping me but we've been here a while. We can always try another day" he smiled softly. Picky got up, "Alright Bubba", she said smiling. The three went back down the pond to see Crafty. "Hey Crafty, how're you doing over here?", Bobby asked. "Great I drew so many pictures of the pond and fish!", she said excitedly. "Bubba I drew this one for you", she said while handing him a drawing. Bubba looked down at the paper and saw a drawing of tapoles and a frog. Bubba smiled softly, "Thank you Crafty, it's beautiful, Bubba gave Crafty a hug. Crafty continued to show the three critters the rest of her drawings. The three critters began to walk down the path,"Today was a good day", Picky said smiling. "Yeah I enjoyed feeding the fish" Bobby exclaimed. Bubba smiled, "I had fun coming here with all of you". The three critters continued walking until suddenly they heard a noise.

"Ribbit" "Ribbit"

The four critters turned around and that a frog was following them. "Ribbit, "Ribbit" it croaked. "Hey look a frog", Bobby said excitedly. The frog hopped closer to them, "Ribbit". "Hey Bubba maybe you can try taking this frog home, I know it's not a tadpole but it would be an amazing pet!", Bobby suggested. Bubba stepped close and knelt down in front of the frog, "Hello there, my name is Bubba", he said holding out his hand. "Ribbit", the frog said in response. Bubba held out his hand and the frog hopped onto it. "What's your name?", he asked. "Ribbit" the frog responded. "I'll call you Ribby", Bubba said smiling. "Oh my gosh he's so cute!!!", Crafty squealed. "Aw Ribby is such an adorable name", Bobby shouted excitedly. "Did you want to come home with me Ribby". Ribby hopped on Bubba's shoulder and croaked in response. "I'll take that as a yes", Bubba chuckled. The four of them laughed and walked down the path back to Critter Village.

Hey guys I hope you all liked this episode I know it was pretty short and kinda different from the others. However there are a few important context clues in this episode that may foreshadow future episodes. Also I have an announcement to make, the next episode of this series will be the finale for the season and it will be a two-parter. So the first will be posted on Thursday and the second will be posted on Monday(4/15) at the latest. Leave a comment down below and let me know what ya'll think!!! :)

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