Chapter Two: rainy reflections

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Chapter Two:
rainy reflections
Time: 01:52 AM

It's time to go home. The guests have all left. Y/n and Steven have cleaned up the house and are ready to leave. It's late, and the Umbrellas are still out, solving crimes and whatnot.

Steven and Y/n head towards the door, laughing, probably a little drunk. "Thank you for inviting me today, Steven," Y/n says with a tired voice, amidst laughter. Steven just giggles. "Oh, and thank you for giving me their number," she adds with a high-pitched voice. "What num- ohhhhhh. their number," he weirdly laughs, pointing at Y/n's nose. They take their jackets and head out the door. Steven locks it and follows Y/n home. The weather is cold, and it's raining heavily. Luckily, they have warm jackets, but their shoes are not meant for this weather, especially not Y/n's heels. Her feet start to hurt, so she takes them off, dancing barefoot in the rain, trying to get Steven to join in. He wants to have fun too, but he really doesn't want to take his shoes off.

And of course they didn't bring any umbrellas. Y/N's hair is soaked by the rain, while luckily for Steven, he has shorter hair, so it's not that heavy for him.

They are close to her condo. After a long night of small talk with elders and acting surprised or interested, their energy is drained. Especially after that barefoot dance in the rain, Y/n is going to be knocked out the moment she enters her apartment. "Thank you for following me home, Steven," she says with a calm voice, clearly exhausted. "Haha, the best part was that I recorded your little dance in the rain," Steven giggles. Y/n doesn't catch any of that; she's too tired to concentrate. She just smiles instead of trying. Y/n gives Steven a big hug before she goes in. Everything is spinning in her head as she makes her way up to her condo; she is not feeling well. The elevator stops, dings, and opens its doors. Y/n struggles to keep herself upright as she reaches for her keys in her pocket.

They are not there.

Where are her keys? Panic sets in as she realizes her keys are missing. Her eyes widen, and she doesn't have time for this. She needs her keys to get home. She taps every centimeter of her body, searching for them, but they are nowhere to be found. Y/n is having a breakdown. She's drunk, tired, and soaked. As she's about to break into tears, her tired brain reminds her of the spare key under the doormat. Not a smart place to hide a key to a multimillion-dollar condo, but it'll have to do. She lifts the doormat to find her spare key, swaps it up, unlocks the door, locks the door, and rushes to her bedroom to sleep. She has no energy to brush her teeth, take off her makeup, or change her clothes; she just collapses onto her big bed.

Time: 07: 43 AM

When the alarm goes off  Y/n hastily wakes up, stretching out her sleepiness and massaging her head due to a headache. Her Valentino boots are still on, and her dark blue crop top is wrinkled. She looks at her pillow with a big orange stain on it, groans, and heads to the bathroom to take a shower. She turns on the water, and it's hot—too hot for her liking in the morning. In the shower, she blacks out, almost no memory of last night, and everything is still blurry. She pumps the shampoo bottle, trying to remember important details from last night. There was some important information she got, but she couldn't put her finger on what. "The party at... who? With Steven... Steven's job? But where does he wor—THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY!" As soon as she remembers that she got the Umbrella number at their mansion, she jumps out of the shower, wrapping herself in a white towel. She grabs her phone from the bedroom floor and dials the number Steven gave her the night before. Just as she's about to hit the green phone button, her phone rings—it's Steven. She hesitates, not wanting to answer his call due to her excitement.

Y/n ignores the call with instant regret. Why did she ignore Steven's call? He's her best friend of so many years. Should she call him back now or later?

Y/n makes her decision. She redials the number Steven gave her and presses the green button. It's ringing...

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