chapter ten: evening encounters

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chapter ten:

Evening Encounters


"Dinner?" Allison suspiciously stated as she raised an eyebrow looking at Klaus. "Really?" she continued. "You two morons asked a random girl that lost her keys if she wanted to join us for dinner??" She snappily asked her brothers in an even more suspicious tone.

Klaus's response to his sister's question was nothing less than him making jazz hands with a forced smile "Yayyy", before he aggressively stared at her with grunging teeth to show that there's a story behind this all. Her brother's expression surprised her and suddenly got her to stop, thinking what this all could be about. Five just stood there, and did not notice a thing that was happening between his sister and Klaus. Five was looking at Y/n the whole time to make sure that she's calm.
In less than ten seconds of total silence and tensioned awkwardness in the hall, it suddenly clicked for Allison. "Oh my god" she spoke out of nowhere, breaking the silence and looking down at the floor with a look of confusion and realization. All eyes hastily turned to Allison's direction, with confusion. That quickly led Allison to turn around and look at Y/n with a gazing stare. That threatening stare quickly turned into soft eyes and a big smile. She gently lifted her hand to put it on Y/n's shoulder, and Y/n's reaction was confusion, more confusion. But all she did was slightly lift the corner of her mouth for a soft smile.

She didn't really feel uncomfortable by Allison's sudden gesture, she knew that it actually was an honor to let the Umbrella Academy member Allison Hargreeves and model for New York Times front page, touch her shoulder. She wouldn't actually mind any physical contact by any of the Hargreeves because of the trust she has for them.

Allison's sudden gesture did not only give Y/n something to be confused over, but also Five. As soon as he noticed his sister making physical contact with Y/n, he quickly got suspicious and gave Allison a look that clearly stated 'I know you're onto something'. Which resulted in Allison walking to stand beside Y/n and grab her wrist.

That move did not make Five amused either, as Allison's hand was centimeters away from Y/n's fingertips, he was cooking like a volcano inside as he knew that his siblings were up to something.

"Y/n- yes, you'll eat dinner with us this evening, and no, it's not a question." Allison happily stated while looking at Y/n, and dragged the girl by the wrist with heavy footsteps out the hall. Y/n didn't fight it, she just walked with her while giving handsome a last look into the eyes while slowly walking away from the hall and then her head to allison's direction.

Honestly anything could be better than standing in that hall with Five at this moment. Even though all she wanted was him... badly. He made her feel sparks of electricity rushing through her veins, making her sweat and stutter. She couldn't take that more, so better for her to get out. And yes, the blue tulip were still held tight in her left hand.

Everything happened so quickly, Y/n didn't have time to process a word that came out of the sister, and didn't even notice any expressions between any of the Hargreeves.

As the two girls left the corridor, Five still stood there in shock, trying to process everything that just happened. "Did my sister just take Y/n with her to her room right after she invited her for dinner???" Five thought to himself as he was looking around at the walls to land his eyes on his, still so very much high brother standing there singing some random song from the 70's with his eyes closed while wiggling his body a little to his own murmuring.

Five scoffs as he leaves his brother too, leaving Klaus still just being there in the middle of the corridor singing as he didn't even notice that his brother left.
Allison had dragged Y/n from one hall to another; a hall full of different brown wooden doors.

Allison slowly let go of Y/n's wrist as she opened one of the doors and made a gesture hinting Y/n to get into the room. As Y/n shyly walked into the Allisons room, Allison closely walking behind her pointed to her bed, signaling Y/n to sit on it.

Y/n calmly sat down on the girls bed before Allison started talking; "Y/n, right?". Allison's words quickly catched Y/n's attention, while Allison noticed and sighed big before she sat next to Y/n on the big bed, with dark gray blanket sheets.

Allison looked worried, or stressed or, just caught up in thoughts, when she opened her mouth to talk while looking down at the brown wooden floor.

"Do you know what my brother wants from you?" Allison worriedly asked the girl while slowly looking up.


please i need ideas. any suggestions for future chapter?

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