chapter three: enigmatic connections

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Chapter Three:
enigmatic connections
8:17 AM

It's ringing. Y/N can hear her heart pounding with stress and nervousness, her gaze fixed on nothing. Why won't they answer? It just keeps dialing until it goes completely silent. Her heart drops when she gets the hint that they answered.

"hello?" an unmemorable, kind of dark, warm voice answers. Y/N doesn't respond, shocked. Who is this? She doesn't recognize his voice... maybe it's...? "Uhm, hi, is this number five?" she asks tentatively. "Depends, who's calling?" the guy responds mysteriously. "Yes, uhm, I'm Y/N A/L/N, and my parents know Sir Hargreeves. I was hoping to maybe talk to one of the Umbrellas about something." The guy behind the phone smirks and softly replies, "This is Hargreeves, although not the one you're asking for." Y/N's heart starts to pound again, relieved that she wasn't talking to Five. "What do you want?" he asks calmly. "So you may not remember me, but we've actually met before, at the Winslow mansion. " she tells him, breathing heavily. "Y/N right? Are you okay? I can hear you panting through the phone," he asks worriedly with the same soft voice, but tries to keep his voice as calm as possible . "Yeah, I'm sorry... I'm just kinda nervous because of the thing I wanted to talk about," she nervously answers. "Talk to me." he calmly replies. She can feel the nervousness rising in her throat, feeling like something is blocking her from speaking. "So, you guys know me from before. As I said, I met you guys when I was a kid, and I've always liked you guys and I've always been a big fan," the guy behind the phone starts to chuckle. "Yeah, yeah, I think I remember... You were with that little brunette guy, and you had a... light blue little dress at the gala at the Winslow mansion," he calmly answers. "Uhm... yeah?" How could he remember all those details? "And after I met you guys, I think I've developed some kind of crush..." Y/N continues with hesitation. It gets quiet. Completely quiet. So silent that you could hear a needle fall to the floor. No one says anything until the guy starts asking, "Why are you telling me this?" he asks with a serious tone. "Well... Mr. Hargreeves, obviously you must be close to your brother... Five Hargreeves?" The guy's eyes widen in shock. "I was hoping you'd help me... tell me what he likes, and maybe meet up with me someday to talk about it," she hastily asks him.

She feels tension, a lump forming in her throat. So much stress and nervousness. The Hargreeves sibling behind the phone fades a big smile on his face, as long as the green eyes start to soften. With that mysterious personality of his, how could he not trick her? And now that he knows that the girl from the gala had a crush on Five Hargreeves, why not have some fun with it? Go on with the act? It's just fun for him to hear some positive cheesy things about one of the Hargreeves brothers. He knows everything, he remembered every little detail from that night at the Winslows. She had a light blue little dress while her hair was set up in a messy bun, while talking to Steven the whole night. He had a black tie and suit, along with the rest of the Umbrellas. Of course, Allison had a black dress instead, and her curly hair set up in a high ponytail.

Y/N's mind races as she listens to the voice on the other end of the line. Who could it be? She knew she had dialed the number Steven had given her, but the person on the other end wasn't offering any clues to their identity. Should she ask directly? Or wait for them to reveal themselves?
"I apologize, but who are you exactly?" Y/N asks curiously. "You don't need to worry about it, as I said I'm one of the Hargreeves so you can just take a guess." The look of disappointment takes over her facial expressions. She really hoped to get to know who it was. But it doesn't really matter if he's willing to help her, and either way, she's positive that she's talking to Number One or Two, because as far as she remembers it, she knows that Klaus never was the serious or mysterious one in any way. He was always the quirky kid they used to play hide and seek with, that always somehow won. "Yes... I understand, but will you help me?" she hesitantly asks the guy. "Well, you are a cute, nice girl who would be perfect for my brother Y/N, and we've even met you before, right? So why not?" he says with a smirk on his face. "Wait... for real? You'll help me?" she confusingly asks. It's really obvious that she didn't expect that answer from him. "Yes, but call me back in a couple of hours." He mysteriously and drastically answers and quickly hangs up the phone before Y/N gets the time to answer. "Oh, okay. I guess I'll call him later," she confusingly talks to herself while gazing into the white wall, sitting on the edge of her bed, still in her bathrobe.

It takes a couple of seconds for her to take in everything that just happened. In less than ten minutes, she had a whole conversation with one of the Number Fives brothers, about how they were willing to help an old acquaintance to why they wanted her to date their brother. She just zoned out and is looking in confusion before she decides to get up from the bed and get ready for school. She slowly walks up to her wardrobe while a smile starts fading in on her face. She picks out a black and white, plaid-patterned skirt with a white shirt and a nude-colored pantyhose. She had no energy to put on any makeup today; some mascara was doing just fine.

She took her keys and went out the door with an oat chocolate cookie in her mouth and locked the door. She walked to the elevator while she got flashbacks from yesterday while waiting for the elevator to come. She remembers the stress, she remembers the sickness and how bad she felt while she suddenly hears the elevator door open. She zoned out again, before she stepped into the elevator. It was a long way down, and under the ride she also woke up with the good memories from yesterday how fun they had at the Hargreeves mansion. As soon as the elevator door opens she gets a notification on her phone. It starts with one, but it soon blows up. Pling, pling, pling. She looks confused as she gets out of the elevator as she opens Instagram and sees a video...

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