chapter eleven: the sister

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Chapter Eleven:

The Sister

"What do you mean?" Y/n seriously asked the Hargreeve sister.

As Allison gave the girl another worried look, worry took over Y/n's face too as her eyes widened, trying to understand what Allison was onto.

"I don't know.. you tell me," Allison said, biting her lip with worry. She let out a big sigh before she continued, "My brother—"

"I like him!" Y/n suddenly exclaimed in the middle of Allison's sentence.

The room quickly filled with an awkward silence, so silent their own heartbeats could be heard, as confusion filled Allison's expression. After about two minutes of complete silence, she broke it by letting out a big sigh while looking down at the floor, and later slowly lifted up her head, letting out a small chuckle.

"YOU like my brother?" she exclaimed with a smile and confusion, "and you're not kidding?" she continued as her expression quickly turned serious. Her question made Y/n wait for a second, thinking that through. What did she even mean by that?

"Y/n... are you sure? I mean..." Y/n didn't answer but just looked at Allison in confusion as she tilted her head a little. She still didn't get it.

"Look, I'd actually love you to date my brother," Allison started her sentence after a long time of silence. As her words spoke, Y/n's eyes quickly widened, directing all her attention on Allison. "I think you'd be a really good influence on him. Honestly, I don't know what you see in him, he's grumpy all the time, but yeah," the sister continued. A smile started growing on Y/n's face as she slowly opened her mouth to talk, but quickly got interrupted by Allison; "Look, I know you maybe think that what I said is weird, and maybe it is, but it's true.'' Allison said with confidence before she got closer to Y/n and whispered; "and I think he likes you back," she said with a smile, trying to hold her laugh, as a chuckle exited Y/n's mouth. "Whaaaat?? You think so?" Y/n asked Allison with a smile and confusion.

Allison scrunched her nose, "Yes, I dooo," she said with the happiest of tones as she gripped onto Y/n's shoulders and shook them to show her happiness.

Laughs and giggles were heard throughout the whole corridor. The fact that they giggled so loud that people could hear from outside Allison's room. This led to Viktor knocking on the door to inspect why Allison was laughing so hard, of course he didn't know that they had a guest over.

*knock knock*

"WHO IS IT?!" Allison yelled, causing the room to go completely silent.

"Allison, it's me," a shy voice answered the sister's question. "Victor?" she asked for assurance, "Yea," the voice behind the door answered as the door slowly opened up.

As the boy slowly entered the room, his eyes widened by the sight of a random girl sitting in Allison's room. "Allison— is this your friend?" Victor shyly asked his sister while taking a good look at Y/n. "VICTOR!" Allison angrily yelled as she threw a pillow at his face with a scrunched nose. "Ouch?" he replied sarcastically, though it obviously didn't hurt him to get a fluffy pillow thrown at his face.

"THIS is Y/n, Y/n from the gala at the Winslows, you remember??" she assured her brother. Although it took a minute for him to remember, he did at the end, which was shown as a smile entered his expressions.

"Nice to meet you again," he said as he walked closer to the bed and shook Y/n's hand. In response, she just nodded, clearly really nervous to have met THE Victor Hargreeves. Even though she was filled with excitement and nervousness, she played it cool the whole time, and might I say that she did it really well.

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