chapter seven: veiled confessions

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Chapter Seven:

Veiled Confessions:

As the approaching footsteps became more noticeable, Y/N's eyes suddenly widened, looking behind Five. As the boy slowly turned around to see Klaus standing behind him, a confused look passed onto her face as this was so unexpected. "What do you want, dear brother of mine?" he said, sarcastically confronting his brother. A look of shock was pasted on her face, the same with Number Four, Klaus Hargreeves. As the long-haired man stood with an open mouth in surprise, he started inhaling to talk. "MY BROTHER HAS A GIRL OVER!" Klaus drastically yelled in surprise.

Anyone could easily know that he was on something. The way his knees were weak and wobbly proved it, especially the high-pitched tones. Five's eyes rolled, and with an annoyed voice, he suddenly grabbed his brother's arm. "Okay, we're done here," he annoyingly answered his brother as he took a look back at Y/N.

As a feeling of awkwardness entered the hall, a feeling of warmth and butterflies entered Y/N's whole body. "That was so cute,'' she thought to herself.

As the boy dragged his brother away from Y/N's sight, he aggressively whisper - yelled at Klaus while holding him by his collar to show a positioning of power. "You listen to me, you little-" he stuttered, trying to sound as confident as possible. "You, stay away from me, okay? Y/N - she - this girl..." he stuttered again.

"this is the girl you've been spying on during our missions lately" Klaus interrupted his brother in the middle of his sentence, calmly with a somewhat amused face.

As Five slowly let go of Klaus's collar, he looked down at the floor with confusion. Five knew that what his brother said was true, but answered his brother's question with; "Shut up! What are you talking about?!", while knowing damn well what his brother was talking about.

"Oh please, dear brother," Klaus responded with amusement, "Anyone with eyes can see that you fancy Y/N, the girl from the ball," he let out with a little chuckle. "What are you talking about?!" he whisper-yelled at his brother's face, trying to act it off. "Plus, I saw the drawing in your room," Klaus casually responded with a smile while taking a look at the roof in total 'highness'.

While Five's skin suddenly became pale as he stood still in shock. With aggression taking hold of his brother's collar again, he dragged his face closer to his. "Listen here, you little shit, is there anyone else who knows?!" "Well... no," Klaus answered with ease.

Silence entered the room as the two brothers just stood there. Five looking down at the floor while holding his mouth with his hand. "Chillax bro, you have to make peace with the truth," Klaus said, putting the backside of his hand up to his forehead while closing his eyes. He made that cult-thing he does, so you can easily read the "hello, good bye" on his palms.

''Five, I promise, your secrets are safe with me," he calmly told his brother with a smile on his face while landing his hand on Five's shoulder. Five took a good look at his brother's gesture to show irritation while staring into his brother's eyes with bared teeth. Klaus quickly took his hand away from his brother's shoulder with fear in his face.

"Klaus" five inhaled before speaking his brother's name with a calm voice, as you could clearly see that Klaus had gotten on five's last nerves. "while yes, little brother" Klaus responded to his brothers speaking, while closing both of his hands to his chest while slowly closing his eyes. "What were you doing in my room?" Five irritatedly asked Klaus while trying to stay as calm as possible. "oh you know... just looking for some booze" he casually admitted. Five scoffs before taking a look at the floor, " unbelievable".

"Now go! Go to your lady!" Klaus exclaimed out of nowhere. "Shut the hell up, you moron! She can hear you," Five whisper-yelled while trying to hold his temper under control.

sorry for such a short chapter. I'm working on my second book in the parallel as I'm editing. but I'm, gonna make this book my priority and I'll update you guys as often as possible.

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