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I yawned and looked over, instead of seeing my button I saw the inside of Feyd-Rautha's room.

I was laying on him covered with a blanket, he was sleeping against the head board.

I laid my head back on his chest and sighed.

"Awake are we beautiful?"

I blushed and laughed. With his finger he traced random symbols on my back.

I felt so comfortable lying there with him. Suddenly there was a nock on his door.

We both shot up. I hastily put my robes on and stood in the corner with a silver tray.

He put his pants on and dashed back into bed.

"Come in."

Beatrix walked in. Her head was low as she spoke. "The Baron requires your presence in the throne room."

I saw her shiver then walk out.

Feyd turned to look at me. He stood up and put his shirt on. He opened the door and walked out signaling me to follow.

I trailed him to the throne room, inside was the Baron. When we entered he turned to speak to Feyd-Rautha.

"The Witch is on her way, she wants to know about how the spice production is going."

Feyd nodded and stood on the side of the wall. I followed and stood next to him.




The door opened and the lady in black walked in. She walked to a chair on the wall and at down.

Feyd squeezed my hand before walking to face her.


He readjusted his stance then glared at her.

"Gaius Helen Mohiam, Truthsayer to the Emperor."

She stopped him. "Address me only as Truthsayer to the emperor."

He nodded and continued.

"We have neutralized the Fremen threat, spice production is now back of track and we are slowly selling it to keep the price at a high level."

The Lady Nodded, then for some reason turned her gaze to me.

"And what is your servant's name?"

He looked at me motioning me to walk next to him.

I shivered a bit while walking up.

"I'm Nanali, Servant to Na-Baron

She analyzed me carefully. Feyd looked at me. "You may resume your stance."

I squeezed his hand before walking back.

The Truthsayer still stared at me even while I was on the wall. Her eyes seemed like X-Rays, able to look right through me.

Feyd continued presenting his report and when he finished the lady stood up.

"I wish to speak to you without your servant Nanali present."

Feyd looked at her. "What for?"

She turned to look at me.


I felt my body move itself, like I wasn't in control. I walked to the door, opened it, and left for Feyd-Rautha's room.


I turned to look at the Bene Gesserit witch.

"What did you need?"

She looked at me eyes scanning me.

"I'm glad spice production is running smoothly, good for profit."

I could tell this wasn't the only thing she wanted to say.

"And, when did you take Nanali on as a servant?"

I looked at her coldly. "A few weeks ago why?"

She seemed to be staring into my soul.

"What's Her heritage?"

I narrowed my eyes.

"No idea."

She turned to face the baron, but not after looking at me. Being a Truthsayer she must have been testing to see if I was being truthful. But why ask about Nanali?

"Scan her in a lab, I wish to know who her family was."

The Baron looked at the witch.

"Why do you need to know about her parents."

She answered in a respectful tone.

"It's Bene Gesserit business."

My uncle looked suspiciously at her, but agreed nonetheless.

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