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"Mother, She's a Harkonnen-"

"Paul I don't care what she is, she's also

The Reverend mother, lady Jessica sighed and faced her son. "Even though your the Lisan-Al-Gaib, there's still much you need to learn."

Paul Atreides rolled his eyes.

"Oh please mother, what Harkonnen would get a servant girl pregnant?!"

"Any of them Paul, do you not understand? The harkonnens care not about their actions. They take everything and leave nothing, The Baron and Rabbon Glossu are imbeciles. Angry animals."

"And Feyd-Rautha?"

Paul spat the name out disgusted. "He probably walks through woman with no care."

"If I were to ask Nanali if Feyd-Rautha loved her, what do you think she would say?"

"It doesn't matter what she would say, He probably convinced her what they were doing was ok. Why do you think he left her in the desert?"

Lady Jessica pondered the question then laughed a little. "Isn't it obvious? I raised you better than this Paul."

He glared at his mother slight confusion in his eye.

"What do you think the baron would do if he found out his nephew had gotten a servant girl pregnant?"

"He would probably drop her in the desert, hence why she's here." Paul hissed.

Lady Jessica covered her face in shame. "No Paul The Baron would kill her, he knows no mercy. Without Harkonnen help she couldn't even get into the air base."


"Paul... Feyd-Rautha probably helped her escape! If the Truthsayer knew then it was only a matter of time before something happened to Nanali!"

"Even so, Feyd-Rautha probably did that to cover up his own crimes!"

"Nanali Seems truly in love with him, I doubt that Feyd-Rautha would go that far with a servant girl if he didn't feel something for her, She's here for a reason Paul..."

Paul Atreides shook his head exasperated.

"Your angry, but not with me. It might be directed at me, but your not angry because of me, are you Paul?"

Something flickered in his eyes.

Lady Jessica looked at her son.

"You must drink the water of life muad'dib, for then you shall finally see..."

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