Baby, Went And Took A Turn

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Y/n's View

Y/n's View

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"My life is like 15 times easier when I don't have to insult you every 3 seconds

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"My life is like 15 times easier when I don't have to insult you every 3 seconds." I say.

Hailee chuckles and I smile. We walk down the hall and I knock on the door.

"Come in." Allison says.

I open the door and we walk in.

"Look at you." I say.

Allison smiles and hugs me.

"So I look good?" Allison asks.

"I think dad would be very proud." I say.

"That's all I needed to hear." Allison says.

I smile and nod.

"I missed you guys at the bachelorette party last night." Allison says.

"We got stuck in an elevator and decided to get dinner when we got out." Hailee says.

"Dinner? So you two are friends now?" Allison asks.

"Mhm, we cleared the air." I say.

"That's good." Allison says.

"We'll let you finish getting ready." I say.

Allison smiles and we walk back out.

Allison's View

"How do I tell them that Griffin bribed the hotel staff into trapping them in that elevator and he watched them the entire time?" I ask.

"You don't." Kate says.

Y/n's View

"This has gotta make you feel some kind of way." Hailee says as we sit down.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Your brother's married with kids, your sister's about to get married, and you're still single." Hailee says.

"Shit if I'm not married by 27, I'll just marry you." I say.

Hailee laughs and I smile.

Hailee's View; 3 hours later...

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