Baby, I Could Show You How To Love

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Y/n's View

I throw the ball and Dexter chases after it. My phone rings and I answer it.

"Hey." I say as Hailee appears on my screen.

"Hey. Whatcha doing?" Hailee says, smiling.

"Nothing really. I just bought a new house and hired some guys to paint it today but they all caught COVID so it's on hold." I say.

"I'll come over and help you paint it." Hailee says.

"Seriously?" I ask.

"Yeah, just text me your address. I'll come over at around 3 o'clock." Hailee says.

"Okay." I say.

"Bye." Hailee says.

"Bye." I say, before hanging up.

Dexter barks and pushes the ball to me with his nose.

"Sorry, boy." I say, picking the ball up.

Time Skip

I hear a buzz and I walk over to the intercom.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Me." Hailee says.

"Who is this... me?" I ask.

"Hailee." Hailee says.

"Hailee who?" I ask.

Hailee audibly sighs and I chuckle.

"Steinfeld." Hailee says.

"I'm not sure I know a Hailee... What was it again?" I say.

Hailee mumbles and I smile.

"Steinfeld." Hailee says.

"That doesn't even sound like a real last name." I say.

"Y/n!" Hailee says.

I laugh and press the button to open the gate.

"Meet me in the backyard." I say.

I walk away and open the back door. I pick up a can of paint and hear footsteps.

"Why'd you do that?" Hailee asks.

"Why'd I do what?" I ask.

"Act like you didn't know who it was." Hailee says.

"That was my assistant." I say.

"Whatever." Hailee says as I laugh.

"Who's this?" Hailee asks as Dexter comes out of his dog house.

"Dexter." I say as she pets him.

"He's on his boy period so don't upset him." I say.

"Boy... period?" She asks.

"It's when he gets super emotional and everything makes him upset. Like a regular period but for boys." I say.

She laughs and I smile.

"I already covered the borders with tape." I say as she follows me inside.

"So I'll do this side and you'll do that one?" She asks.

"Sure." I say.

30 minutes later...

"Done with my side." Hailee says.

"Okay." I say.

Hailee drops her brush in the pan and paint splashes on me.

"My bad." Hailee says, laughing.

Lost Love // Hailee Steinfeld ✓Where stories live. Discover now