Guess I Got A Lot Of Lost Love

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Y/n's View

"I'm home." I say walking inside.

"Welcome back." Max says.

"Surprised he's still alive." I say, as Dexter runs to me.

"What ever do you mean?" Max asks as I rub his belly.

Max tries to pet Dexter and he moves away.

"That what I mean." I say.

"Whatever. What's this news I've been hearing you about and Hailee being friends?" Max says.

"Long story short, it was all one big misunderstanding. I'll tell you about it later. We're getting lunch together." I say.

"Enemies to lovers in the making." Max says.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?!" I ask.

Max chuckles and leaves.

"C'mon boy." I say as Dexter follows me into the kitchen.

Time Skip

"Can I get you ladies anything else?" Sandra asks, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"No, ma'am." I say.

"Alright." Sandra says.

I smile and Sandra walks away.

"You're like a clueless baby." Hailee says, laughing.

"What?" I ask.

"She was hitting on you this entire time." Hailee says as we leave.

"What? No." I say.

"She kept walking over and putting your hand in your shoulder. She did a little wink when she asked if you wanted dessert." Hailee says.

"Well, I'm not interested." I say.

"What's your type?" Hailee asks.

"Don't have one. You just gotta be able to take a joke. If I tell you that your forehead is quite astronomical, don't start crying on IG Live." I say.

Hailee laughs and I smile.

Time Skip

I got invited to a party so I invited Hailee to come with me but I don't think she's feeling it.

I see Hailee walk outside and I get up.

"I'll be back." I say putting my cup down.

Isabelle nods and I walk outside.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask.

"I'm getting too old for this partying shit." Hailee says, as I sit on the steps beside her.

"What do you mean?" I ask, laughing.

"It's a lot going on and I can barely keep up." Hailee says.

"You wanna go?" I ask.

"I don't wanna ruin your night." Hailee says.

"My night can never be ruined as long as I'm with you." I say.

Hailee smiles and nods.

"Let's get outta here. Go get pizza or something." I say getting up.

"You're just gonna leave without saying bye? That's rude." She says.

"If you think those same motherfuckers in that house will smile in your face and not talk shit about you behind your back then you live in a fantasy. So you in or what?" I say.

She chuckles and nods. I hold my hands out and help her stand up.

25 minutes later...

"Best pizza in Cali." Hailee says setting the box on the hood of the car.

Lost Love // Hailee Steinfeld ✓Where stories live. Discover now