Vox x Reader: Honeymoon💍

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You and Vox were a couple hell more then a couple you two were married, the two of you were never seen out in public together and you never posted any photos of the two of you together either.

Hell they never seen Vox with his ring but you always wore yours.

"Sir there's someone that wanting to see you" one of Vox's employee called from a phone Vox continued doing his work "I don't have time for any visitor's, tell them to come back later" Vox side in the call to the employee "But sir it's your wife" Vox froze in place as he turned on the cameras to the bottom floor were he spotted you standing at the employee desk all the screens were now all focused on you.

Why were you here you never came to the three Vee's tawer not for anything but you were now there asking for Vox, quickly Vox turned into electricity and went through the screen.

You were waiting at the employee counter as the employee looked at the phone "I think he hung up" they said befor jump like he was spoked by something, you didn't now why he jumped "Sir your here" he said and quickly you turnd your head around.

Vox stood behind you now "When did you get there" you said with a small smile wich made Vox melt on the inside as he heald a straight face as he looked at you "What are you doing here" Vox asked and you tried around "Whqt do you mean what am I doing here, you should now" you said still holding your smile. Vox narowed his eyebrows as he still looked at you still in thought till it hit him "Shit that's today" he said as he moved a hand to his neck rubbing it gently.

You nodded your head as you smiled bigger "Yes and you promised" you said putting your hands on your hips as you huffed. Letting out a huff Vox hanged his TV head before lifting it back up witha smile on his face "Alright come on" he said as you both started walking to the door.

"Oh cancel all my appointments for the next week" Vox said to the employee "Oh yes sir" he said befor the both of you walked out said, you now stood in front of the building waiting for the car to pull up you stood ther and waited "Y/n" Vox called your name getting your attention "Are you wearing your ring" he asked and you held up your left hand "I never take it off" you said smiling as you put your hand down and looked down at his hand seeing he wosent waring his.

"Don't worry" Vox said as he went in his cote pocket and pulled out his ring "I always have it on me" he said as he put his ring on that touched you for some reason nowing all this time he always had it with him. The car then pulled up to the both of you "We beter go before people see us together and start taking pictures" you said about to walked to the car but Vox pulled you to him "Vox what are you doing" you said looking up at him a little afraid some one sees you both like this.

Vox looked down at you "Let them see, I'm tired of hiding you use together your mine and they should now that" he said and at the vary end he did some thing that shook you cold he kissed you in public were every one could see. Some one definitely took a picture of that it probably will be thrown around for a month or two, you pulled away from the kiss showed at what Vox did "I was not expecting that from you" you side with a slight smile Vix the led you to the car opening the door for you "Why not take some risk it's our honeymoon darling" he said as you got in the car.

Vox then then go in and the both of you went on to share a hol week together no work, no desterbinnces, just Vox and you.

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