Husk x Over Lord Reader: Lost lover foud

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You and Alastor were close friends you both got along great you cought Alastor attention by your growing as a over lord so one say he asked of you would join him for luch and ever since then you both have been friends and business partners, and one day Alastor was talking to you about a project he was doing with the princess of hell that last time you both spoke to echother so you decided to stop by and say hi.

Now you were now standing in front of the building the Hazbin Hotel you walked up to the door and opened it walking in, the place hade an interesting look to it but it was nice looking nub the less "I wonder were Alastor is" you said befor turning your head to a bar were someone sat that you weren't expecting to see sitting there "Y/n" Husk wisperd looking at you with shoke on his face his ears were down and his mouth was hanging.

You and Husk were partners when he was a overload well when he was a over lord one day he ghosted you and then a few weeks you heard he should his soul disappearing leaving you alone but you weren't going to fall like he did you worked hard till you got to this point in your life as an overload.

"You, you been here this hole time" you said walking up to him he stepped back as you walked up to the bar "It's been a year" you said as you slammed your hands on th counter made as the lights flickered duo to your power you released. Then you remembered what Alastor said about the staff of the hotel that his soul there soul's to Alastor, sighing you calmed down rubbing your face "It makes since now" you said as you looked away from him.

Husk swallowed as he looked away to "Well now you see why" he said befor you looked back at him an he did the same "And now I see what, why you left, why you left me without a word, Husk" you sade tilting your head at him made he making it now you now what name he has now. He sighed look down as you crossed your arms and it went silent "I didn't won't you to follow me, that's why I left with saying anything to you" Husk said as he looked back at you.

You stared at him as you clinched your arm "And look at you now an over lord a better one the me too" he said trying g to pull off a smile witch closed you to chuckle a little "Well I can't argue with that" you said befor siting g down on one of the stools aich closed Husk to smile he wouldn't no he couldn't lie and say ge mised you "So this is what you do now, beig a bartender" you asked smirking at him as he nodded.

"Why, you uuumm, wouldn't anything" he asked you as you nodded "Oh sure I have a-" you were cut off by Husk putting up a hand "Don't I remember what you like" he said befor he started fixing your drink as you watched, he sat his drink in front of you as you took it and drynked it "Wow this tast beter the ant other's I hade" you said "You lurnd some new tricks" you said looking at him and it cased Huske to blush but he turnd around t so you didn't see.

"You now I really only did this I mean becoming a overlord, so I can find you" you sade looking down at the dri k as the ice floated at the top Husk turnd his head to looke at you when you said that, you moved your eyes from the cup to him but not lifting your head seeing that chot his attention wich made you smirke.

You rose your head and looked to the side "But now I say that you also left me so I can get to ve a overlord, but I still couldn't get over you" you said looking back at him as he now was facing you a bet closer "I could say the same thing" Husk said with a slight smile as he looked at you and you smild a bit at that.

Though it was hidden some were deep down the two of you still had libe for one a nither but you did now what to do now, but soon you found yourself staying at the hotel Alastor got you a room Charlie lived the idea that you were staying.

It's been over three week's now you been staying at the hotel everyone wormed up to you now basically you fited in now and you and Husk had been a role coster for the both of you, those feelings you both still hade that was bared down well they were now exposed to the surface.

It was late when you got back to the hotel you hade a long day and now you cod finally get some rest, as you walked up the staircase seeing Husk wasn't at the bar well yeah its pretty late how would be up at this time, you got to your flour and walked down the hallway were your room was on taking a turnaround d a corner you walked a little longer till you got to your room.

You stopped as you opend unlocked your door and befor you got to open the door someone called out your name "Y/N!!" You turnd to the right were Husk was walking up to you "Oh hey" you said looking at him as he walked up and stopped in front of you "I was waiting till you got back so I can talk to you but you were go the whole day" he said tilting his head as he looked away.

"Yeah work keeps me all day some times, but you wonted some ing frome me" you said sounding a bit tiered as you shifted your wait to one leg, he nodded his head "Oh yeah so when you first came here I hade .  .  . Weird feeling but I brushed it off  thinking it was nothing" he posed as he looked back to you "And when you started staying here I started getting more weird feelings and I think those feelings of wen we use to be together came back and I don't now how to deal with them" his deep voice sounded like a wisper as he looked away from you them back at you before he stopped and he looked at you.

You looked at him with a blank face sighing you laughed a little "Sorry I don't mean to laugh, I'm not laughing at you cus for some reason it was like the same for me" you said with a slight smile Huske wings twisted a little at what you said "I wonted to say something but I just thought you just moved on from me, I really wosent expecting this" you said ad you leand on your door.

"Well what are we going to do about you now  .  .  . Use" Huske said pointing to you and him you thanked for a moment for smiling "Well I have one idea" you said befor signaling him to come closer. He gulped a little as he stepped closer and you hooked his tigh pulling him to you and with thinking you pulled him in a kiss, the kiss was hart worming for the both of you all that care and and memories came flowing back to you both.

Wen you both brock the kiss you looked in to echothers eyes "Shit I missed you" Husked huffed as his hands fourd there way to your hips you chuckled as you looked at him "I think we should talk some mire un my room" you sind a seductive voice ad you ope d your room door and pulled him in.

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