Adam x Reader Challenge (Smut)

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Settling on the couch with your things ready to watch your show and chill you grabbed the remote about to hit the powered button, but before you could push down your door bell ringed falowd by a knock "Are you serious" you said as you got up throwing the remote on the couch but it bounced off hitting the ground but you did care.

Stomping over to the front door unblocking it aggressively "I swear I can't even get a day of peace" you mumbled as you grabbed the doorknob swinging the door opened, "Heeeyy Bitch" Adam said with a wide grinlooking down at you, staring back at him with a non amused face experience he could tell what your next move would be.

The door was soon being slamed shut and right in time Adam put his foot in the door "Adam" you said as a warning to him "What" he said befor puting his had thrw the crack holding a bag "I have snacks" he said shaking the bag, you looked at the bag tempted befor sighing "Fine" you said opening the door again as he walked right in an you closed the door locking it like befor.

Adam walked to the living room throwing the bag on the small table and slouching down on the couch "Dame y/n after all this time you still treat me like a nonsense" he said throwing his feet up on the table, you walked in sighing "Well you're always acting like one" you said with no sympathy an he snikerd.

Adam and you met when you started working with Eme and Sara at first you were stocked to meet the first man created, but when you got to really now him you started to realize he wasent what you thought or pitchered thought he did ware a masked so the pitcher was something you couldn't really say but personality was something you didn't expect.

Even though you couldn't stand him you could tolerate him cus you would be working with him for years to come, an over the years Adam and you got close but you still keppted your distance but Adam always found a way to get on your nerves or get you to let go of the situation.

"Any way did you come over" you asked curious he closed his eyes as he throw his hands behind his head "I heard from Eme that it was your day off, so I decided too that it was my day off" e said an you scoffed at that "You can't just call off just because it's my day off" you said to him "But I did, an now we can spend the day off together" he said opening one eye to look at you seeing you're pissed expression an you were abut to scold him for his actions but you posed an thought to yourself for a moment.

"You now what" you said taking in a long deep breath an leting it out "I'm not going to leat this upset me on my day off" you thought to yourself, claping your hands together you smiled at him "Alright then, one more person wont hurt" you said looking down then walking over to the couch "See you always come around" Adam said closing his eyes again you told your eyes at him, then when you went to reach for the remote you remembered that it fell to the floor.

Leting out a aggravated grunt you walked around looking on the floor for the remote, Adam Hurd shuffling an opend his eyes looking at you croling on the ground looking under furniture "Whst are you doing?" He asked witha turnd head as you got up from the floor "Looking for the dang remote, I just had it" you said walling to one of the singul chars and getting down to look under.

"Founf it" you said as you tried to reach for it but it was far back "Come on" you said trying to reach for the remote, on the couch Adam just watched you an by watch you I mean he was looking at your ass the way you were passion made you ass park up, thank goodness you weren't wearing a skirt though shorts wornt good ether but it wasn't the worse.

Adam felt his mask geting steamy as he looked at younr ass you twisting finally grabbing the remote and getting up, you looked over at Adam an he turnd his head not making eye contact with you. Finally you sat back down and turnd on the TV and tunrd on your show seting back eating your snacks and the ones Adam brought an as you sat ther you noticed he was quiet really quiet like really quiet the hole time heack he didn't even argue about the show he just sat there.

After about the third episode finally you couldn't take it any more so you paused the TV an turnd to Adam "Alright you bean why to quite, what's up" you asked looking at him with raised eyebrows at him, he looked at you leaning back away from you a little "Nu I was just... watching the show" he said but you could tell by the sound of his voice he was a little shaken.

You won't leting him off though as you leand closer "Really cus ever since I sat down you haven't said a peep" you said as Adam leand back more his mask showd that he was blushing, why what would he be so quiet about, so nervous, . . . . . Then it clicked in your head.

An insted of scolding him like always you decided to play with him "Hmm there's nothing bothering you Adam, at all" you asked leaning in closer Adam was now against the armrest of the couch "Ye-yeah" he hushed out his lips quivering though you could see it you herd it in the way he spock. Get up on yhe couch you crawled over to him slowly like a cat about to pounds on it's pray, "Oh come on Adam you don't think I'm that stupid" you said getting closer.

Adam could tell that his mask was given him away so when you got close now hovering over him his mask powerd off, you blinked at the sudden change but that's when you balled out "HAHAHAHA I COULDN'T HOLD IT IN!" you shouted as you fell back word. Adam's mask turnd back on looking at you confused "I DIDN'T NOW YOU CHOULD DO THAT, I THOUGHT I COULD KEEP IT UP TILL THAT HAHA!" you said kicking your feet a little, then Adam realized that you were only playing with him.

Siting up you say Adam was pissed "What I couldn't passed a opertunaty like that, plus it's pay back for the many times you flirted an flustered me" you said chuckling a little, Adam masked showd his brows furrowed in anger as his mouth was twisted up "Please you just caught me off gourd" he said siting backed crossing his arms "You could handle me anyways" he said sounding cocky an you took that as a challenge "Oh really" you said rasing an eyebrow "Alright then" you said as you grabbed your shirt pulling it over your head.


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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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