Adam x Angel Reder (Mask Off For Me)

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You and Adam were close friends you new him all the way when God first made him though you didn't speak or see him till he got to haven that's when your friendship started.

The both of you were to opposites to echother Adam being more loud, out going, and caer free, and you being a home body, quiet, but the two of you together you become more loose.

There wosent anything you would change about him well may be he could turn down the idea of people calling him dick master but every thing else is fine, at least you thought so till one day when you and Adam was hanging out you just kept looking at him.

"Y/n what are you staring at?" He asked as his masked raised a eyebrow you squinted your eyes at him "You know ever since you got here I only seen you with that mask on" you said as you then sat back up "How come you never take it off around me" you asked crosing your arms as you looked at Adam. He coughed befor clearing his voice "Aahhh well I never really ever take it off so" Adam said trying to sound like it wasn't a problem, you smoked your lips at his response "Come on" you said putting now wanting him to let you see his real face.

"Sorry ba but this ant going to be coming off" he said shrugging then going back to witching TV leaving you sitting there more queries and wanting answers. You know he was married twice and both times the same man took his wife, so he may be insecure with his looks but you don't think that but then again you could be wrong.

Soon the movie ended a stupid ending you think as now you didn't now what to do "So what now" he said not looking over at you, you shrugged "I don't now" you said befor looking over at him "We could play a game" you said "What game" he asked smirking "How about Mario Cart" you said grabbing the controllers.

Adam took one of the controllers as you set up the game "How about a bet, loser have to do what the wener says" you said smirking, the two of you always did bets like this so it was normal for the two of you "Your on bitch" he said as you did three rounds Adam won the first round then you won the second, the thread lap was a free for all as the two of you focus you took your wing and opend it to block Adam view "Hey!!" Adam shouted as he showed your wing away "Sorry all for one" you said befor you winning.

"WOW!!" you souted throwing the controler in the air as you jumped up Adam mask went to a pissed look as he looked at you "Alright you won, what do you won't" he said as you turnd around "I won't you to take off your mask" you said looking at Adam sireas nowing he couldn't say no.

"Alright fine" he said with a groun you walked up to him "I'll take it off" you said as you grabed the notes of the mask Adam diet say anything as he sat thre. Slowly lifting th mask you felt your hart raising why you were confused by th feeling as you then lifted the mask off and moved it to the side, you were met with yellow eyes staring at you.

You looked at all his features from his brown hair, bushy eyebrows, and the little hir on his chin, the room was silent as you tillted your head not changing your face expression as you looked at him still. Adam sat there watching you stare as more then two minutes passed sense the room went quite and Adam was getting nervous so he looked away to avoid you noticing.

"You now" you paused catching Adam's attention but he didn't look up at you "I think you look kinda hot" you said coming Adam to shoot his gaze to you in shock as a red tent ran across his face "What you think I'm what" he shouted as you sood up straight now looking at the masked with its frozen grin on it "I said" You paused moving your eyes to him "You look hot" you said as he looked at you as a grun pulled on his face as he still looked at you shoke at what you said.

You squinted your eyes at him as you dropped your arms still holding the mask by the horns "Wasent expecting that" you asked now with a smug look as he shook his head "Well from you no, I thought you just say something nice or something" he shrugged befor scratching the back of his neck as the red tent didn't go away in fact it got reder.

You noticed an emedatly jumped on him about it "Adam are you flustered" you asked a little joyfull, cus when he made you blush he would make it a night mare for you so this was an opportunity "Pff me no you must be seeing things" he said trying to look away from you "No no your blushing, what is it because I found you good looking" you throw the mask on the couch so you could bentover puting your hands on your knees as you got eye level with him.

Adam looked over at you still the red tent sat on his face as you ploped down on the couch close to him "Oh come on you always teasing me" you said "It's only right I di the same to you" you wisperd in his ear. Adam felt chills go up his back at the as he jumped "Alright Y/n don't start something you can't finish" he said looking at you with a worning look.

Smiling you lend in to him "Is that a challenge Adam" you asked not really requiring a answer.

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