Lucifer x Made Reader: Rubber Duck

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These characters aren't mine but I might give the some trades so they can fit the story

You been working for Lucifer for two weeks now ever since him and Lillith went away an Charli moved out he was alone and he decided to hire a made to keep ot clean around the place.

Right now you were cleaning the long hallway wiping the window and dusting the things on the walls, till you got to Lucifers work shop or that what you called it since he says that's we're he does his work and you have no need to go in there for cleaning he said when you begin working.

The door was slightly opened leaving you able to look inside and all you say where ducks rubber duck on th flour made into Is piles, mountains even. You didn't even now you were coght looking when a voice scarf you out of your thought "Y/n!" Your named echoed as jumped back and the door opend by Lucifer.

You stood ther awkwardly with your hands behind your back trying to act like you were just passing "Y/n I thought you went home already" Lucifer said a little shooken by your presence "I'm here till the evening sir" you said trying to wair your best smile as you stood there as Lucifer stared at you with timed eyes. You shuffered at how long you held eye contact with him hoping you weren't really shaking, you say Lucifer look back like he hade something going on in the back.

"I was just passing by doing my cleaning, ill leave you back with your work" you said befor turning away to leave "What" Lucifer called out to you grabing your hand "I won't you to see this" he said befor pulling you in to the room. He coverd your eyes as he led you in you walked blindly up a few steps till he stopped you, slowly he removed his hands and your eyes stayed closed "You can open them now" you said as you soon opend them and looked down.

It was a rubber duck but instead of it being yellow it looked like you with your clothes eye color, and small made hat you wear, you chuckled at the sight of it "You like it" he asked you smiled widely "I'm speechless really" you said as you picked th duck up and examined it closer it was really a duck copy of you "You can have it, I just thought it would be something that made you smile" he said witch cased you to look at uim with a small smile a really smile "Thank you" you sade as you bith looked at echother it went quite when the two of you locked eyes then it was interrupted busy the sound of a clock going of.

You looked down at your rist watch you war seeing it was the end of your shift you turn of the clock and looked back up "I have to go now" you said as you begin to leave, you got to th door and have by to your boss an he have back and you left.

From that day you and Lucifer hasn't been as descent you be seeing him around as you clean, and on your breaks you now sometimes go to his workroom and he show you how he makes the duck's, it was fascinating to find out how much he liked duck's and honestly you found it more cute.

After two months you an Lucifer hade grown an made a friendship with one another, it was the evening and Lucifer was in his work shop righting in a book or something when someone knocked on his door "Comeon" he said as he put away the book. Opening the door you stepped in "Y/n I thought you left already" he said with a faint smile you nodded your head "I was but I forgot that I hade something for you" you said befor going into your bag Lucifer was a little curious as he walking to you from were he was stopping a few feet away.

You then pulled something out your bag and unfolded something coverd "I thought I give this to you" you said as you held up to him a rubber duck that looked like him "I made it myself" you added as he took it and looked at it.

Lucifer smiled at the duck seeing how deferent they were from his "Thanks" he said looking up at you with a smile an smiled back and nodded your head "Yeah no problem, oh I have to go now" you said grabbing the door handle before pulling to leave "Bey" you said having and closing the door. Lucifer stared at th door befor looking down at the duck a soft smile formed on his face as he walked back to his desk and he pit the duck in the sentence.

He sat back down as he looked at th duck but he only hade you on his mind as he slowly fell asleep.

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