Vox x Raff Reader (Fluff)

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Vox was furious, power was out through the hole pentagram but Alastors radio broadcast was still running.

You sat there for a moment before you sat up but soon the power was back on "Shit" you breathed out.

Getting up from the sofa you headed to Voxs office, this has been going on for a month now, and this has been the fourth black out wicked meant Vox has shut off and you were the only one that new how to power him back on.

Opening the doors and walking to Vox's seat you say that all the TV screens were all static, when you got to Vox's char you say his body was limp, slouching in the sat as his head hanged. His screen was also static like the rest, leting out a breath you unplugged the cords from his head disconnecting him from the TVs cosing his screen to turn black.

The reason why you were assigned this job was because you were a reboot demon, a VARY rare type of demon that wasent comen around the pentagram. Duo to the power your species hade you could turn a hole part of any part of the pentagram your ground, but nether of your kind hade the courage or time for it.

Sponging in hell you're body was an ash color, with a hint of wight like fractals over your body and grow bigger over your hands, you hade nails like a nine tailed fox but instead of fluffy tails they were cords with plugs at the end.

The why you got to working with Vox was when you were trying to find a place to take cover for the extermination, and when you ended up at the three Vee's tower walking in Vox's emadeatly jumped for the opertunaty to have some one like you working for him.

Witch came to the reason how you got here, claiming up on Vox's to be in reach you took one of your cords an plugged it into his head, shavers ran up your spine befor his screen turnd blue a loading bar poping up 13%. This process could take a while so you usually got comfortable siting on his lap as you scrolled throw your phone.

It usually took about four to six minutes to rebut Vox as you usually watched a few video's till Vox wock but after watching a few videos you looked back to see the screen read 95% puting away your phone you faced him still on his lap  you watched the countdown, 96,98,99,1100, then black screen.

A wight lighten stretched across the screen befor turning to Vox's face he grown his body shifting under you awaring you he was awake, "Mornig" you said as he opened his eyes already laid on you "Head a good rest" you asked as you say his face shift to confusion, then realization, then anger, he looked at the screens seeing the static on all of them.

He sat back in the chair as he ruled his face with one hand "Shit, every time" he mumbled to his self, as he looked off now in though of what his next move will be "Vox" you called his name as he only shifted his gaze to you "You need a break" you said to him, Vox only sighed closing his eyes "No, what I need is to fine a way to g-" but he was cut off by you yanking out your plug that was still in his head "OUTCH THE FU-" he shouted but then again he was cut off by you.

"VOX IF YOU CONTINUE THIS, I SWAER I WONT WAKE YOU UP TILL THE NEXT PURGE IS OVER" you shouted at him now eratated by his stupidity, he blinked at you cus he truly believes you would, narrowing his eyes at you he glared and you glared right back "Fine" he coughed out witch made your glare go into a soft smile.

(To be honest I didn't like this one well probably because I right this in a night sooooo yeah but the next one will be better I promise)

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