1. Good Morning New Yorkers

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March 12th, 2016

SPRING BREAK was right around the corner, as it was after school on the monday of the last week before it. There was a soft, cool breeze that set the perfect scene here in MIdtown. There was not much snow left on the ground, and whatever there was it would surely be melted in the next few days. Right now, Richie was entering a local cafe with a jingle of a bell above the door, planning to meet up with two dear friends: Felicia and Harry. He was clad in some relaxed fit jeans, a plain white tee and a flannel, which was perfectly warm to keep him cozy. Scanning around the coffee shop, his eyes lit up and his mouth widened slightly with a breathless 'ah' when he spotted the blonde and brunette sitting across from each other in a booth.

"Hey, guys. Thanks for stopping by on such short notice." Richie said with a faint grin, taking a seat next to Harry.

"No worries, man. I was in the area anyway." The wealthy boy replied with a short wave of his hand.

"Anything for a friend." Felicia smiled. "We were just talking about the Oscorp trip. Are you excited?"

"I dunno, I mean- it sounds kinda boring. I'm not good with science, that's all Peter." Shrugged Richie.

"Boring? You do realize that's like calling Stark Industries boring, right?" She said in disbelief.

"Okay, but Oscorp is on the news every minute of everyday, I feel like I'm always in there. Stark is private. Plus, Harry's dad owns the place, haven't you seen it a million times?"

"I'm not actually allowed in there. He says I'll distract him in his place of work. And that I should focus on being a kid because I'm going to inherit it all anyways. But I bet your brother is like.. totally nerding out over it though." Harry chuckled, as a waitress came over. He couldn't help but send her a flirtatious smile. "Hi, i'll have a medium black coffee, and whatever these two want."

"Oh, just a small cappuccino, please." Felicia intertwined her fingers close to her chest on the table, before looking at Richie to say it was his turn.

"Yeah, whatever that is i'll have one too. Thank you."

"You're such a copy-cat." She teased.

"Okay, well, last time we went to that smoothie place yours was way better than mine, so- I'm just playing it safe." Richie shrugged with a smile.

Harry couldn't help but scoff. "Right, you mean the smoothie date you two went on?"

You see, he wasn't technically wrong. Felicia and Richie have had a weird history. Beginning of middle school, they dated for 5 months, but when Felicia hit puberty, she decided that she couldn't handle a boyfriend and all of her homework so she dumped him. In 8th grade Richie got a girlfriend and Felicia was shamelessly jealous, but wouldn't admit that she liked him still. Now, in their sophomore year they have become "simply friends with their past behind them," but all of their friends knew they couldn't help but flirt with each other.

"It was not a date," Felicia rolled her eyes. "It was two individuals spending time together with a fruity beverage. Nothing romantic." She pushed a strain of hair out of her face, though it only opened a clearer view of her slightly reddened cheeks.

"Exactly. Speaking of spending time together, Kate said she's going on the trip as well. I think it's finally time I talk to her." Richie switched topics as the waitress came back with their drinks.

"Cappuccino number one.." She placed the hot mug infront of the blonde girl with a smile. "Cappuccino number two.." She did the same with Richie, only maintaining eye contact with him a little longer. "And a black coffee. Enjoy."

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