6. Apart of the Team

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(Russian in this chapter is used from google translate. I apologize if there is anything wrong. Feel free to correct it!)

"T-TONY- TONY Stark- Iron Man- hi- hi! I saw the car outside, that makes more sense now!" Richie rambled, currently in shock at what was happening. Was he with the police? About the jewelery shop?

"Glad we're familiar. So happy to finally meet, you've been getting my emails, right?" Tony gave him many winks, signalling for him to go along with his story.

"Yeah, about the um.. about the-"

"The September Foundation." Tony clarified.

"Why didn't you tell me about the grant?" May asked, as Richie felt his cheeks burn up. He was overwhelmed.

"Well, I- I wanted it to be a surprise, since- since I wanted to do something nice-"

"I just wish you would've told me, what if it costed money?"

"Don't worry," Tony chuckled. "Do you see who you're talking too? We're very well funded. But um, you remember when you applied?"


"Well I approved. And now, we're in business." Tony smiled, looking between the two. "It's hard to believe this is anybody's aunt." He complimented.

"Yeah, we.. get that alot, actually.." Richie cringed.

"Could I have 5 minutes with him?" The man turned to May, who nodded with a quick 'of course'.

Richie led Tony to his bedroom, where Peter was still at the desk, only now doing homework.

"Oh, there's two of you."

"Woah.. um- h-hi! Hi, I'm Peter." The boy stood up from his chair and stuck out his hand, which Tony happily shook.

"Yep. Tony."

"W-why are you- here?"

"I definitely didn't apply for the founda-" Richie piped up.

"Na- ah- me first." Tony interrupted, pulling out his phone from his suit jacket. "Quick question of the rhetorical variety.. that's you, right?" He had projected his phone into the air, showing a video clip of Richie in his suit, swinging in the air. The video paused when a clear picture of his mask was shown.

"No? No- buuut I've seen him-"

"Mm yeah." Tony flipped his phone and another video started to play. It showed Richie catching a car to save it from crashing into a bus. "Wow, nice catch. 3000lbs, 40mph. That's not easy. You got mad skills."

"But that's all on YouTube though, right? That's where you found that?" Peter asked, trying to hide the fact that him and his twin brother were two, fourteen year old boys taking down supervillains.

"It's all fake. If there was a new superhero, they'd be with you, the Avengers, right?" Richie added.

"Funny you say that, actually." Tony remarked. "Oh you mean like those UFO's over Pheonix?" He had picked up a broom and flipped it around, poking around the room to try and find the same halloween mask Richie wore while fighting. Eventually, he found the jackpot when snooping in the closet. He pulled it out with the mask with it sitting on the end of the broom where you would usually hold it.

"Hey! That's- that's from- I was borrowing-" Richie stumbled over his words, unable to come up with a valid excuse. He took it off the broom and threw it back into the closet. Tony dropped the broom.

"So you're the.. Spider-Ling? Crime Fighting Spider. You're Spider-Boy?"

"S-Spider-Man.." Richie crossed his arms defensively. It seemed like no one could remember his name. Peter stiffed his laugh.

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